Chapter 35

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"pull yourself together! We need you Luc!",Leo held Luc's shoulders. Lucas went berserk as he tried to bite Leo. He growled at them making the poor old Maria to jump in fear as she continued to pray hoping Lucas would stop. Loisa was sweating while she cautiously waits for the right timing to pull the trigger. She had to be very careful not to flinch on Luc's loud threatening voice which might cause her to shoot.

"this is bad",Tyrone said combing his hair as he paced back and forth. "If we want to attack and rescue her, we need him to calm down."

Tires and break scrrrreeeecchhhhing....

All of them looked at each other when they heard the sound of the car engine coming to a halt outside the house.

Tyron looked at Leo and Leo gave him a nod to go upstairs and check who might these intruders be. Argus followed Tyron and they strode carefully upstairs from the basement.

"Should I go with them?",Loisa asked nervously.

"No. Stay here with me. They can handle it by themselves." Leo said sternly.

They waited and listened carefully for any sounds upstairs.

Tak.... Tak... Tak...

There were footsteps approaching the basement. Based on the sounds, it seems like there were lots of them. The footsteps came to a halt as soon as it reached the door that leads to the basement.

Maria: *gulped*, "Dear Lord please protect us",she continued praying though her voice was shaking.

*door knob twisting*

The three of them stared at the stairs.

*door knob twists again*


*door slowly opens a little*

There was a strong gush of wind accompanied by shadows as they entered the basement then stopped at the bottom of the stairs.

Maria covered her eyes and coughed when the dust from the basement slowly subsided.

"Where is he?",his voice echoed throught the entire basement along with the sound of the hanging lamp swinging.

Leo stepped back and revealed the monstrous looking Lucas. His face was almost unrecognizable. His entire look was in a mess.

Lucas opened his eyes and stared at the man in front of him.

"Listen. You need to control yourself.",the man said in a very cool tone as he tapped Lucas' shoulder.

Lucas snarled at the man. He kicked and wriggled but the man's hold, the chains and rope were so tight. He groaned in pain as the rope cuts through his skin.

"look at me.",he ordered making Lucas look at him straight in the eyes.

"Now tell me. Do you want me stab you again? or you shut that fucking mouth of yours and relax!?",he said in a very threatening tone. The man's eyes changed from light red to a very...very deep red...redder then Lucas'.

Lucas' eyes widened, then he looked down and sobbed. The man let go of Lucas' shoulder and stood straight placing both hands on his pockets.

"they took her",Lucas said with a hint of hatred.

"Look at me.",the man ordered again.

Lucas obeyed and once again stared at the man.

"Did I raised you to be like this?",the man asked. "What a weakling. You can't even control yourself, let alone save her! As the heir to the throne, must you act like this? "


Lucas expression changed and became more serious. "Tell me, what should I do, Father."

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