Chapter 28

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She stared at the little girl who was so busy playing with her doll.

"there, pretty, pretty!", the little girl exclaimed with a bright smile as she raised her doll whom she spent hours of combing and changing clothes. She looked up to her and place the doll in front of her.

"now she's pretty like you",she smiled sweetly looking from the doll to her.

"really? But i think you're more prettier than us!",she gently pinched the little girls pinkish cheek.

"aww, thanks Selene. You're the best", the little girl leaned and placed a kiss on her cheek then jumped from her seat and called out to her mom showing her pretty doll.

She smiled looking at the little girl. It feels kinda weird but everytime they had these sweet moments, it felt like there's something wrong, like something's missing and that she felt like longing for something.

It was a very long time ago that she couldn't even remember how many years she had been on this peaceful village of Arcanis. Since the day the Lux family found her lying helpless in the woods, they had become her new family. She couldn't remember why and how she ended up in the forest and the sad part is that she couldn't even remember who she was and everytime she forces herself to recall her lost memories it would just give her a terrible headache. Sometimes, there are things she does which makes her feel nostalgic....even a dejavú. But the feeling of hurt and longing when she's with Laura the little girl was something she couldn't explain why.

"hey, Selene, are you okay?",Felomina, Laura's mother patted her shoulder and sat beside her on the porch watching the beautiful view of the garden and trees.

"I wish my memories would come back. It pains me to live like this...i feel like i'm just a nobody...why did I even survive...this....everything is useless...",she clutched her hair with both hands.

"oh dear, don't you ever think like that! You should be thankful for having a second chance in life! Past is'll always be that way, nobody can change what had already happened...let bygones be bygones...",she looked at her with love in her eyes. "it doesn't matter who you are from the past. There is always a reason why you are still breathing. And i think this is a good chance to embrace something start fresh. Instead of thinking about regrets and being depressed with those things, be thankful. Not all people out there was able to live the next day, and not all people experienced second chances in life. Life is precious dear. Live it to the fullest. worrying will never add a single minute to your life, instead, it takes away those precious minutes away which would have been spent for happiness. Be thankful and always look at the bright side of things. You are not a nobody. You are precious. You are important and you are loved.",with those words, Selene cried and hugged Felo tightly.

"no words can express how thankful I am that I met you and your wonderful family Felo. You are such a blessing!",,she said wiping the tears on her cheeks.

"come, it's getting dark, let's go inside",Felo stood up and reached out her hand to Selene as she looked and smiled at her with her motherly expression.

She took Felo's hand and smiled back at her but before closing the door, she looked back and stared at the darkness approaching...there is something with the darkness which made her familiar....nostalgic...and it's  calling her---no it's calling someone... says..."***na...come back..."


Hello, I'm running out of names for my characters, if there's anyone who wants their name to be used as one of the characters, please leave your comments and please don't forget to click the like button. Thank you. 😘

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