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The beast finally rose from the ground. Although it had large wings , its body was much more larger , unabling it to fly. Margaret , Sebastian and Grell look at the gigantic beast.

"Ok , I think its time for me to get going now .... William's calling" Grell tried to run away , but Margaret pulled them back.

"Your not going anywhere" Margaret said , having a tight grip on them. Margaret then turned towards Sebastian. "What do we do now Sebastian ?"

"Simple ... Follow the Mistess' orders" The butler replied.

Margaret nodded , whil Grell swooned over the butler. "I'll only do it for you my dear Bassey !!!!" The grim reaper spoke.

Margaret shrugged. "Your disgusting ... Anyways , I guess we better get a move on. Sebastian , how about a little game , the first to end the beast's life gets to sleep with the mistress. Do you agree ?"

Sebastian smirked. "I accept the challenge , Margaret"

"Great , I won't be holding ... back ... Then !!!!" Margaret then transformed into her Beast form and instantly flew towards their enemy.

"Thats bold of you to presume that I always give it my all" Sebastian said as he pulled out knives. "I can take down that beast with no sweat ... After all I am one hell of a butler" he then charges at it.

Grell didn't know what to do , and decided on just joining in for the sake of getting noticed by Sebastian. "Wait for me my love !!!!"

Margaret , Grell and Sebastian then began on attacking the beast. Margaret would target its limbs , Sebastian would climb on the beast and slice its torse , while Grell struggles chopping the legs off.

The beast's skin was hard as steel. Making it harder to injury them , but even so , their attacks still left minor injuries. Margaret kept targeting the Beast's wing , seeing as there was a soft spot where the wing connects to its back.

"One more strike..." She charges at the wing , she opens her wide mouth filled with sharp canine teeth. Swoops down and bites off one of the wings. The Beast screeches in pain.

(Y/n) grins at what is happenjng. "Good job , Margaret" she says slow clapping.

"Wanna beat that Sebastian ?" Margaret taunted at the butler.

Sebastian grins at the maid. He got even more excited. But his excitement quickly vanished by Grell's shrill scream. The grim reaper was being held by the beast , being squeezed. "Oh why in the world must it have to be me  ?" They whined.

Sebastian sighed , he had no choice but to save the Grim Reaper. He ran up to the Beast's back , and slide down its shoulders unto its arm. He left no opportunity of cutting every part of the beast go to waste. He then arrived at where Grell is. The Grim reaper was delighted at their saviour.

"Bassey ! You really care for me" The grim reaper squealed.

Sebastan shrugged , he for a moment thought if it was really worth his time saving the grim reaper. He sighed as he really had no choice. He broke the Beast's fingers , freeing Grell.

"Grell , there is a vulnerable soft spot on the Beast's wrist , use your chainsaw to cut its hand off" Sebastian demanded.

"Anything for you my Bassey" Grell licked their lips and turned their chainsaw on. Without hesitation , he found the soft spot and cut the Beast's arms off.

More howls of pain came from the beast , it flailed its limbs , which caused the butler and the grim reaper to fall.

"Oh no !!!!!!" Grell shrieked as they fell. "Hold me Bassey !!!! We're gonna die !!!!!"

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