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Underneath the Port , lies a tunnel that was once used for transporting Black Market goods. But by the queen's request to the Watchdog to apprehend these activities , it was now stopped and turned nothing into nothing more than a home for disgusting vermin.

As (Y/n) finally saw the light , she quickly swam to the surface and to find herself in the abandon tunnels. She was relieved that she was finally back on dry land- or to be precise beneath it. Sebastian reached out a hand for his mistress and helped her pull out of the freezing water.

(Y/n) took deep breathes to regain the oxygen she lost. She was also shivering because of the freezing temperature of the water. "Here my lady" Sebastian took of his tail coat and wrapped it around his mistress. "I've already dried it" he said.

(Y/n) looked at her butler and glared at him. "Sebastian , do you think your off the hook for what you did to me ?" She hissed , her eyebrows twitching.

"Hm ?"

"H-How dare you kiss me !!!!" (Y/n) complained, her face all red. She recalled the moment which shocked the soul right out of her. It was her first kiss , and of all she who gave it to her was none other than her demonic butler. She felt pissed , since her dream of having a first kiss was with someone special in a special place in special time. Not underwater , trying to run away from her captors , and mostly not from her butler. "I feel violated..." she mumbled.

Sebastian gave a little chuckle. "My , my ... I didn't mean it out of lust my lady. I was only giving air for you so that you wouldn't drown" he replied. "Apologies my lady"

(Y/n) hissed at Sebastian. "How can you give me air if you were giving me Carbon Dioxide !?! It defies logic !"

"I am a butler who defies logic afterall" Sebastian said with his classic tone. He then picked up his mistress and carried her. "Come on now my lady , we should hurry to the safe house Master Ho-chien informed us"

(Y/n) didn't say anything to her butler out of anger for what he did. "You are adorable when you act like that My Lady" Sebastian teased.

"S-Shut up !!!" (Y/n) growled. Then she let out a sneeze.

"Oh dear , I guess I must move faster then" Sebastian said , he then carried the mistress much closer to him and made her nuzzle into his chest.

"W-what are you doing ?" (Y/n) asked , feeling a bit awkward. Her face started to redden again.

"Our trip might be long my lady , and I don't want you to catch a cold... It would be best if you are near me , at least you'll be warm" Sebastian replied. And he was right , (Y/n) was surprised that Sebastian was still warm unlike her who was freezing cold. It was comfortable , and made her at ease. She felt safe around his clutches ....

As long as her butler was with her , she knew this case would be solved.


Prince George was in his room , gloomy but not depressed. When out in the public to meet people who wish to visited the King , he had to maintain and strong and unwavering appearance. But when he's alone , he had to breakdown in tears.

There was a knock on his door , George wiped his tears and reverted back to his stern face. "C-come in" he spoke , trying his best not to let his voice croak.

The door opened and the person was none other than the Royal Adviser Peter. "My prince , I am so sorry to gave interrupted you im your solitude"

"Its alright Peter... What brings you here ?"

"Its about the throne my prince" Peter started. "I know this may not be a good time to bring it up but , with the King gone ... London has no leader. It needs a leader or else it might turn into chaos".

George's eyes widden. He knew where the Adviser's words were going. "I should ... replace my father ?" He didn't believe the words that are coming out from his mouth.

Peter nodded.

George continued on speaking."But , to hold such responsibility... I'm still young ! I'm still an apprentice learning his trade. I have so much to learn ! And ... London's still is in chaos in fear with Lady Phantomhive running loose. Its too soon"

Peter patted the Prince's back. His bony fingers , slightly prickling the prince. "My Prince-no- My King ... I know you will become a fine leader. You will even surpass what your father has accomplished. And believe me when I say this that (Y/n) Phantomhive will be no more on the day you are king" he reassured him. "After you had agreed on joining the Condolence Party in hunting down Phantomhive , her inhuman servants were already captured. Now , all that's left is the Lady herself and her butler"

"Right ... Soon , my father's death will be avenge"

"Indeed it will , your majesty" Peter then left the Prince. Once outside and all alone. The Royal Adviser couldn't help but laugh.

'With the prince slowly falling into my words , he will become the puppet I always desired ! And with the Condolence Party finally active- I doubt Phantomhive will still stand a chance'

Peter began laughing that his plans are slowly moving into motion.


They then arrived at the safe house Ho-chien informed them off. Like he said , it was in the outskirts of London , not that much populated-since the safe house was hidden in a forest with thick trees. It was an old log cabin , it wasn't that large. But the mistress couldn't complain for they had no choice.

As they entered , inside it was dusty and there were cobwebs. The floorboards would creek as they took each step. There was a fireplace to keep warm. 1 bed in the corner , a table , a wooden chair , a closet that had clothes. There was also a one bathroom which contained a tub and toilet.

"It may not be grand , but it will do" (Y/n) spoke. She then looked through the closet , and was surprised on the variety of clothes there were. She then grabbed one plain long sleeved shirt and an brown long skirt. "Sebastian , I'm going to change in the bathroom" she said.

"Do you need assistance My Lady ?"

"Hell no !" She replied instantly. "I can do this myself... I'm not some bratty child who needs constant assistance" she said then began to change into dry clothes. As she left the bathroom , she was shocked that the cabin became spotless and clean. There was fire in the fireplace that gave the room warmth.

"I see your done changing My Lady" Sebastian said. "While waiting , I had decided to clean and start up a fire for your comfort". Even though she knew her butler wasn't human , it still surprises her that he could do things like this even with a short amount of time.

(Y/n) then gave out a yawn as exhaustion finally caught up to her.

"You should rest now My lady , it is for the best" The butler said then lead her to the bed. (Y/n) laid down , on the not-so-comfortable mattress. Sebastian then tucked her in. "I've already checked if there are pests crawling and took them out ..." he said.

"Good ..."

As Sebastian was about to leave , (Y/n) grabbed his arm. "Sebastian ..." she called to him in a weak voice.

"Yes , my Lady ?"

"Please stay by my side for tonight" (y/n) said. "I-It's cold ..." she hid her cheeks in the blankets.

"But I didn't plan on leaving you my lady"

"Its not that ... I mean , watch over me until I fall asleep" she said bashfully. "I'm use to it in the mansion ... But here , I feel like I'm out in the open , and vulnerable.

A warm smile crept on the butler's lips. "Of course ... I will watch over you , even when morning comes"

"Thank you"

The Next Phantomhive 《♡Sebastian x Reader♡》Where stories live. Discover now