Chapter 4

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Isabelle had made some show about needing to sit in the middle row of their rented SUV and thus had ended up next to him while Pete, Becca and Brenna sat in the back. Derek and Tammi took the driver position and shotgun.

"I want to still be able to eat when we get there," she mumbled loudly. He didn't know what it was supposed to mean but both Pete and Becca gave her a look that would melt iron.

Dinner was amazing. Tensions eased a bit by the second bottle of wine. It wasn't too late when they set out on foot to a local dance club the waiter had assured them was only a few blocks away.

Walking along behind Tammi, Derek and Brenna he noticed for the first time that she had a large brightly colored tattoo adorning the right side of her back. The distance and the dark made it impossible for him to discern what it was but the impression he got was of a very elaborate piece possibly resembling a tree of life. The top portion appeared slightly off as if the skin there had been damaged and wasn't quite perfectly smooth.

He was both surprised and intrigued having not pegged her as the tattoo type and made a mental note to ask her about it another time.

They reached the dance club which was quite popular judging by the number of people in and outside of it. Lights flashed and fast dance music, heavy with base and Latin flair, pulsed through the air.

They entered and commandeered a table in corner close to the dance floor. The first round of drinks arrived and were gone in little time. Before long the girls decided it was time to dance and moved off to the large open floor. The men resisted for a couple more shots before succumbing to the beckoning females.

Mac had no delusion of his dancing skills. He knew he had no rhythm but still found himself swaying to the music beside Brenna. When he looked over he found himself in good view of her tattoo. It was indeed a very well done tree of life with a light pattern of smoke swirling through its green and red flower adorned branches. He couldn't see the bottom half because of her dress. He was also able to confirm that the skin of her upper right back just below her shoulder blades was pulled tight with scar tissue which had caused the slight warping of the design.

He wondered what had caused such scars. He remembered she had been injured and spent some time in the hospital following the tragedy that had taken her husband. He'd been out of state and engrossed in the training program at the time and hadn't paid much attention to all the news coverage but knew that it had been a big deal. He figured he'd ask Derek or Pete about it when he had a chance.

Under the buoying affects of the alcohol he was enjoying himself on the dance floor until he turned and saw her. Isabelle had snuck across the dance floor and placed herself in impossibly close proximity to him while he hadn't been paying attention. Now aware, he very carefully began to move and put space between them but had to stop when he backed into another body.

When he turned he was face to face with Brenna's laughing countenance.

"What is so funny?" he yelled over the music.

"You! Running? You should see the look of terror on your face right now." She was still giggling and he was on the brink of irritation until he realized how he really must look.

"Ya. I can imagine." He returned her grin with a chagrined one of his own.

"Heads up! Here she comes!" He glanced over his shoulder and saw Isabelle heading his way. Tonight she had chosen a skin tight black dress and matching sky scraper heels. Her long dark hair was pulled back into a tight pony tail. She resembled a dominatrix and Mac simply wasn't into that kind of thing.

Before he could think he pulled Brenna in close to himself and placed his hands on her hips.

"Save me!" He yelled into her ear. For a moment she was as still as stone and he worried that he had really upset her but then she began to sway with the music again. When he looked over Isabelle had stopped in her tracks and stood glaring. Suddenly, as if she realized how she looked, she pivoted on her heels and made a beeline for a tall blonde guy dancing alone on the outskirts of the dance floor.

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