Chapter 6

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The next morning they all went out on the boat on a tour of the island. The sun beat down warm and reflected back from the sparkling turquoise sea creating blinding prisms of light.

Derek took the helm with Pete and Mac standing by to shoot the breeze and critique his boating abilities. Brenna and Becca sprawled out across the seats of the starboard side while Tammi and Isabelle occupied the cushions across the way.

Brenna had to admit the sea breeze felt amazing whipping through her hair as they skimmed across the water. She and the other girls had dressed for a day on the water in bathing suits and were shiny with oil. After another argument with Tammi she'd eventually foregone her usual t-shirt she used to hide her scars.

These days the scars didn't bother her anymore. After she'd gotten her tattoo she'd even felt like they were beautiful with the intricate pattern of the tree and the bright vibrant colors. Her intention had been to remind herself that not only would she continue on in this world but also that, while gone, Greg still continued on as well.

She'd come to a level of acceptance with the damage done to her body. She was grateful that it still functioned as well as it did and she had no lasting physical pain. Others, however, found the scars to be disturbing and she hated being the cause of someone else's discomfort. It hadn't happened often but occasionally someone would be horrified or disgusted and the looks on their faces cut her to the bone.

Tammi had been right though, it was much too hot to wear the shirt. She didn't necessarily agree with the rest of the sentence in which she'd all but demanded Brenna flaunt her fit body.

"Girl, you work hard for that body! You deserve to wear whatever the hell you want! And look damn good in it." she'd exclaimed while tossing the shirt across the room. "Isabelle isn't really bothered by your scars. She's really just jealous of you."

Brenna couldn't think of any reason why someone, least of all Isabelle, would be jealous her. She'd been a little self conscious climbing onto the boat but after a small sneer from Isabelle no one else seemed to care, including Mac who hadn't seen her scars before.

She was well on her way to a great, relaxing day when they stopped at a beautiful cream colored, sand beach for lunch. Carefully she passed the wicker hampers of food that she'd made that morning to Mac and Pete before hopping to the dock herself.

They spread a giant blanket across the sand and she set to work removing the food and other items from the hampers.

"Alright guys we have chicken salad, ham and Jarlsberg, smoked turkey with sundried tomato and provolone or artichoke and parmesan salad sandwiches, " she waved toward the large insulated tub she'd placed on the blanket. "There are chips and veggie sticks over there, drinks are in the cooler and there are lemon creme custard or strawberry shortcake kabobs for dessert."

"Question?" Mac grabbed both a chicken salad and turkey sandwich and stacked them on his plate. "How did you become a hose monkey when you are obviously an amazing chef? You should be working in a restaurant or catering or some celebrity's personal chef or something."

Brenna could feel her face heat up. Reego left Mac and sat down by her side with his face in her lap.

"He's the one with the food you goofy fur ball," she gave him a good scratch behind the ears. "I don't know. I pretty much decided I wouldn't like being told what and when to cook. I just like doing it however and whenever I want. It relaxes me. I love the fire service. I don't run into the burning buildings anymore, but I find just as much joy figuring out how the fire got started and catching the ones that were done on purpose."

Mac nodded as he chewed. Seeing that everyone had dished up Brenna got up and grabbed an artichoke sandwich and Dr. Pepper for herself and a ham sandwich for Reego.

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