Chapter 16

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The weekend passed by in a pleasant haze of work. Brenna attacked all of the chores she hadn't been able to do while injured.

The teenage kid from down the road came on Saturday and they spent all day picking the ripe peaches and plums, loading them into crates and then into his pickup. He'd taken them to the farmer's market at the grange on Sunday and returned that evening with her profit which she split with him 50/50. It had been a pretty good agreement on both their sides for the last 2 years. She mourned the fact he'd be graduating in the spring and she'd have to find a new partner.

Sunday had been all about weeding and maintenance in her garden and home. She put on her faded jeans and an old band t-shirt and got down to work after finishing her coffee. Thoughts of Mac were never far from her mind as she worked and she found herself blushing several times as remembered their kiss and how he'd looked in his uniform when he'd stopped by her office.

She'd finally thrown in the towel when Shane from down the street had returned with her money and her crates. She'd settled into the chair on her porch with her hair tied up in a kerchief and a large glass of iced tea when a familiar black pickup turned into her drive. Reego bolted from the back seat of the pickup and catapulted himself up her steps in his excitement to reach her.

Mac looked a little chagrined as he followed his partner. "I hope it's ok I came out. I tried to call you but you didn't answer. I brought sub sandwiches and beer." He had both his hands shoved deep in his pockets.

"I completely forgot about my phone all day. I just now came in from the garden. If you brought dinner you are absolutely invited in. I was just thinking to myself about how I was hungry but had no desire to cook." She laughed until she realized that her hair was still tied up and she was covered in dirt, then she laughed again. "I'm a total mess."

"I disagree. You look hot, like a brunette Daisy Duke without the signature short shorts. I'm not complaining, those jeans look really good too."

She blushed deeply. Greg had been a lot more reserved than Mac. She'd always known that he'd found her attractive but he'd never been good at expressing himself verbally. Mac made no bones about telling her, not that she hadn't caught him looking her way with admiration more than a few times or making up reasons to be close or touch her the way Greg had.

"It's so nice out here, we should eat here. I'll just run in and wash up and grab some plates. Make yourself at home."

When she returned she found him relaxed in the other chair with the sandwiches removed from their paper bags and placed on the table. He was leaned back leisurely sipping on his beer.

"Work today?" She asked as she sauntered over loaded with some condiments and 2 paper plates.

"Yep, last day of the week. Dog face and I are off until Thurs." Reego was sprawled out on the top stair next to a water bowl Mac had filled and put out for him.

"Awesome. I got caught up on all my house stuff today. Neighbor kid took my peaches and plums to market and sold them for me. After a load of laundry and a shower I should be set and ready for the work week." She took a large bite of the piece of sub she'd taken for herself. It was good. She gave Mac a thumb up.

"What time Tuesday are we heading out?" He took a bite himself as he waited for her to swallow and answer him.

"If you want to stop by the office around 10 a.m. that should give me time to get the things I need. It's only an hour and a half drive; we can stop along the way for lunch."

"We'll be there with bells on and bringing the gift of coffee."

"Mac, I really like all that you do for me but I really want to make sure you know that you don't have to bring me things and stuff like that. I really enjoy just talking to you and your company."

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