Chapter 13

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With a steaming cup of tea in each hand he followed her to the living room and to her couch.

Once settled into the opposite corner of the couch he surprised her again by pulling both of her legs up and into his lap gently, taking care of her injured foot. "It's supposed to stay up."

She just smiled. "So tell me about you Mac."

He thought for a minute. "My full name is MacKenzie Brantley Tullman. Yes, that is of Scottish origin. I was born December 17th on a cold blustery day in Arizona." He waggled his eyebrows at her as she snorted. '"I think it was 74 degrees out that day. I lived in balmy Tucson until I graduated high school and then I joined the Marines. Spent a lot of years overseas in Afghanistan and Iraq getting shot at and tattooed. Never been married. When I retired I got my criminal justice degree and joined the sheriff's office. I've been with them for six years where until now, I've been more interested in work and Reego than anything else."

"Until now?"

"Ya, now I've decided I like beautiful brunette hose monkeys." He began to massage her uninjured foot. "So what is your story?"

She hadn't anticipated him turning the question around on her. She was still blushing from his offhand compliment.

"Well, let's see. It's rather boring. Not as interesting as yours." The look on his face told her he was ready to hear it regardless. "I was born and raised here by my Aunt Jane after my parents died when I was a baby. Graduated high school early and went to college for a degree in journalism. I got my associates and mid bachelors changed my major to fire science. Confused my aunt to no end but I had done a couple ride alongs for a story and fell in love with it." She shrugged knowing it was a strange turn of events.

She took a sip of tea. "I worked as a seasonal hire here at city fire during the summers and after I graduated I got hired on full time. Went out with the girls one night and ran into a rowdy bunch of Army guys on leave. Greg only had two years left. He wrote me and called often, visited when he could. When he and Derek got out they came back here. Greg got hired on at the rural fire  department and we started dating. A year later we were married. Three years later he was gone." She paused and swallowed back the emotion it brought up. "You know that part. When I got out of the hospital, it was rough. I finally went back to work and transferred to investigations. Now I study how and why fires happen and track down arsonists."

"That seems dangerous. You don't go alone do you?" he didn't like the idea of her tracking down people willing to burn down buildings.

"No. I do all the research and analyze the crime scenes, pictures, and test results. Then when I have a suspect I take the case file to detectives and they file the criminal charges. After that I'm just an expert witness and part of the investigative team. I have very little interaction with the criminals."

He'd rather there was no interaction with the suspects but he tamped down his protective nature. "Well, if you ever need us, just ask and Reego and I will be happy to help." He winked at her.

A not uncomfortable silence followed where all that could be heard was the whining yawn of a tired Reego sacked out at their feet.

"Well, I'd probably better get home, clean up and get to bed." He started to rise from the couch, carefully placing her feet on the cushion. Reego hopped to attention and followed his partner as he carried their mugs to the kitchen.

Brenna had made it to the door but the time he returned. "Thank you again for all the help."

He stood in the doorway with his hand on the jamb. "This was a good night. Can we do it again? Can I take you out for a movie or bowling or something?" He blushed a little. "The bowling will have to be after the stitches of course."

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