Chapter 11

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It had been awkward in the car and then in the waiting area. Isabelle spoke to no one, only stayed slumped in her chair. Reego stayed glued to Brenna's side.  Mac had never seen anyone earn his affection so quickly. The break had been good for him too, two weeks of simply being a dog had been nice for them both. They'd have one day to get things settled back in before they were back out on patrol.

Despite several hours of fitful sleep the night before, as soon as Reego was settled in his kennel they were both sacked out. Mac woke once with his head bent at an uncomfortable angle. When he straightened and stretched he saw that Brenna too was asleep across the aisle from him but had been smart enough to purchase a small travel pillow. She was leaned against the window with her feet and legs across the other two seats and her crutches lay on the ground beside her.

Her long dark hair bunched up against the pillow and created a poof behind her and her long dark ashes lay softly against her cheeks. She was beautiful.

He'd kicked himself all night for his brash words. He didn't know what has possessed him to lay it out for her in that instant. He'd planned on the slow measured approach in hopes that they could become friends and she would slowly come to think of him as something more but Isabelle's tirade had spurred an urgency in him.

He didn't buy into any belief that Brenna strung guys along or that her reticence was some sort of act. Nothing about her seemed artful or dishonest. However, he did see a wounded woman who was scared to move forward into anything like a relationship. The conversation in the library had confirmed that she held some unwarranted guilt and skewed sense of loyalty. Those would be hurdles they'd both have to clear.

Mac had the strong sense that she felt a connection too. He'd caught her looking at him under her lashes or observing him from a distance and the warmth she emanated when they spoke or spent time together gave him further reason to believe it wasn't all on his side. However, the bravery, was all on his side. He was certain she'd happily become his friendship but continue to deny her feelings or shut them away because she believed she'd be betraying her husband's memory. He wasn't willing to allow that.

He didn't want to be friend zoned. He wanted to hold her and kiss those soft peach lips and make those dark green eyes sparkle with happiness whenever possible. He had no idea who the Mark was that Isabelle had compared him to, he'd heard the name before from Pete, but it wasn't hard to deduce it was some guy who'd failed to catch her. Her face had remained impassive at the mention of the other man so whoever it was didn't seem to maintain a hold on her heart.

When he'd seen her sitting there with the sun on her face and her hands wrapped delicately around her mug he knew he was likely to do something stupid and when she'd told him about her failed ride he'd simply jumped. True, it wasn't a date by any means but she trusted him enough to let him help her and be alone with him. That was a good start.

He'd drifted back off with a smile on his face and awoken only when the tone sounded to signal their descent and for them to refasten their seatbelts.

Brenna was already sitting upright in her own seat with her belt fastened and her pillow stowed away. Reego made a low whining sound and yawned loudly in his attempt to wake up.

After the plane landed they waited patiently until everyone else had already disembarked. Brenna had been allowed to leave first due to her injury. They'd agreed to meet at the baggage claim. Mac let Reego free and collapsed his cage. He grabbed his carryon and the cage and called Reego to heel before they walked off.

Brenna had already snagged her bag and was reaching to grab the handle of Mac's when he found her. She balanced precariously on her good foot and leaned far forward against the weight of the big bag. He sprinted the last few steps to assist her before she fell over.

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