Chapter 18

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The peacock looked pretty displeased with the sight before him if Mac was any kind of reader of facial expressions. He glanced back to Brenna and was happy to see her still looking stormy but as he watched she put on her professional face.

"How can I help you Detective Brewster? Did we have an appointment this morning that I forgot?" Her clipped tone was all business.

The name took all the fun out of Mac's train of thought. He took a closer look at the peacock now knowing that before him stood physical representation of his morning's irritation.

Pete's assessment of Brewster had been pretty spot on. He looked like the type of guy who didn't like anything that included dirt, sweat or effort. His hair was styled stiff with gel, his hands pale with perfectly square pink nails, his suit pants were of a good quality as had his shirt been before it had been coated in coffee. He looked like a model.

Brewster glanced at Mac for a moment and placed both his hands on his hips before answering. He clearly hadn't imagined this conversation occurring in front of an audience.

"No appointment but I was concerned when you didn't call me back. I came by last night and your car was here but you weren't. It worried me." He glanced at Mac again uncomfortably.

"I must confess I only listened to one of your voicemails. I didn't hear anything work related. I have already made my stance quite clear on any relationship of a more personal nature between us. I didn't feel it was necessary to listen to the others."

"Can we talk about this in private?" he looked at Mac again. "Can you give us a minute Tullman?"

Mac was surprised to hear himself addressed by name. He didn't recall have met Brewster before. He looked at Brenna who shook her head. He could see she had this well in hand and needed nothing from him.

"No Mark. Nothing has changed since last time. You said you understood." She softened a little. "You are a good guy and I'm flattered but my feelings have not changed. I am not interested in you in that manner." Brenna felt bad having to be so harsh but he'd backed her into a corner just showing up like he had. She hoped he'd take his pride and call it quits.

A muscled twitched in Brewster's clenched jaw. He swept his hand toward Mac. "Why him? Why is he given a chance and I'm simply discarded as unsuitable?"

Brenna sighed. No such luck. "I never said that you were unsuitable. There is nothing wrong with you. I can't help who I am attracted to or not. Just stop this." She picked up her files and a canvas bag. "We've got to get going. Mark, I'll email you any updates to the case and would prefer you keep all correspondence business related in the future."

She brushed by him and turned left towards the rear of the building. Reego followed hot on her heels. Mac didn't want to add insult to injury but shoving his way past the beaten man but failed to see any way around it if he didn't step aside. Mac took a couple steps but Brewster stayed put.

Mac cleared his throat. "Excuse me." He motioned with his hand for Mark to move aside. The other man fixed him with an angry glare.

"F*ck you if I'll move aside!" he spat venomously. "You are no better than me. She's on some bad boy kick. Every girl goes through one, but when she's done she'll want someone with a future and then she'll come looking for me. Don't get too comfortable Mac."

"You presume to know a lot about me. I can't recall ever having met you." Despite the other man's agitation and insults Mac felt as if he were examining an interesting new species of bug.

"I've seen you at trainings and in the field, always the arrogant guy charging in and taking down the bad guy, getting your back pat by the big wigs." He finished with a sneer.

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