Cold Part 4

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POV Amber

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POV Amber

Its December about a week since Kai took my innocence ,we are in Moscow Russia its winter not only here but in my heart too.

Kai has been taking thing slow in the sex department nothing more then kissing and touching I just let him have me when he wants in that way but time is as thin as ice , I know he is going to want more than that soon.

 Kai wants to make a baby while on honeymoon luckily Dr Mandy has helped me out in that way thank god the last thing I ever want is to have Kai's baby .

walking out in the snow alone feeling the crunch of the ice beneath my shoes listening to the silence it calms my soul its been slating and its the quietest the land ever becomes no bird or insects are out just silence its really strange but soothing.

 I think of the time Jay and I went Ice-skating it was so much fun to see him try stand alone I laugh to myself thinking back to the days Jay and I shared together.What so funny a voice too familiar to me asks ,I am just happy to be in Moscow in the winter Kai its beautiful here this time of year thanks for choosing my favorite place to come in the winter I quickly answer him.


I am in my office when I see Amber walking outside through the window. Even tho my men are everywhere making sure no one can enter or leave my family compound I want to make sure she is kept safe if indeed something should go wrong so I end my call with Angelo Amber and my father ,yes you heard right ,just another little piece of information she doesn't ever need to know.My mother Aurora was our fathers second wife she is now the godmother to the Italian Mafia she took her fathers place when he passed .My bloodline is thick with power thus the reason I need Amber and I to combine our bloodlines to start our family to ensure that our empire remains the strongest in the world ,it was planned this way from our births that the Italian and Russians combine and dominate the future .

I thought you would enjoy my family grounds so do you want to do anything special while we here I ask her as I walk up behind her, she thinks we here for our so called honeymoon but little does she know I took her away from New York due to some little complication that I will deal with later.

 POV Amber 

I haven't really thought of it kai , I do want to go shopping tho ,we could go to the lighting of the Christmas tree its always a beautiful sight. Kai leans in to kiss me and I push him away and run through the trees and snow laughing as I leave the site of him behind with a shocked face .Being around snow somehow means having some fun so I run and the moment allows me to feel free only if its for a small while .

Hard steps follow behind me in the distance I find a road and walk along it for a while and through the trees I swear I see a car but Kai catches me I laugh out and he lifts me up and kisses me while he carries me bridal style back into the woods

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Hard steps follow behind me in the distance I find a road and walk along it for a while and through the trees I swear I see a car but Kai catches me I laugh out and he lifts me up and kisses me while he carries me bridal style back into the woods .He shifts my body over his shoulder and spanks me hard on my bottom I screech out and he laughs at it  ,put me down Kai lets walk round outside a bit long I beg.

I haven't been outside much since Kai has come home and I just need to feel that little bit if freedom I think to myself,Ok baby just a little he replies we walk back through the woods and I am in deep though of how I am going to try get away from Kai but I have to play along for now make Kai trust me and let him think I am his , make him believe I am trying to love him but really he make me sick to my core I would like nothing more then to see him suffer and die by my hand for what he and my father have done to me and my life , for taking my true love Jay from me and taking my purity leaving me tainted with his disgusting soul tied to mine now .

Whats on your mind Kai's voice snaps me back ,Oh nothing just thinking of how we started out and how things have change so much for the both of us you have a bigger better cartel  ,us getting married and how things between us are becoming stronger ,I tell him I think with the more time we spend with each other the more we will grow as husband and wife I say and look up at him with a smile.


Really that is what you were thinking baby you made me smile inside from what you just said but I was thinking more along the lines of our room and the light from the fire flickering off your beautiful dark tanned naked skin. Come lets head back I dont want you catching a cold my love and besides the best way for us to be husband and wife and spend time together is alone naked in our room ,MMMM the images of her naked body flash in my mind and i dont waste time I pick her up and carry her bridal style back to our cabin .

POV Amber

Kai picks me up and I wrap my arms around his neck, can we make something to eat I am starved I say he smiles at me ,maybe we already have a little Kai in there you ate an hour ago baby you know they say you get cravings . He lowers me down as we step onto the porch and wraps his arm around my waist with his hand on my tummy  my back towards him and he hmmm into my back of my hair,husband I let the word run off my tongue dont you think we need some time as a couple first why the rush ,No Amber I am 29 years old almost 30 years old we need to start building our family I want lots of sons and you will give me them he gets upset at that remark and replies .I laugh so loud in my mind at how he thinks that I will give him a child let alone lots of them but I dont show it on my face I just nod and allow him to believe that I will achieve this . we walk into our cabin on his parents property between the woods its well hidden .the cabin is lit with candles everywhere the smell of Solyanka Soup in gulfs my nostrils its smells so yummy I walk to the kitchen and find a pot of this steamy goodness, I dish for Kai and myself and we sit by the fire place and eat ,this is so good Kai just what I needed to warm up I say ,I know another way to warm you up baby and with that he takes my bowl and places it down on the table he leans in sweeping his hand gently to the side on my face his hand now cups the back of my head and he kisses me ,he lays me back on the soft bear skin on the floor and looks me in the eyes,I love you baby I want you to love me back his lips find mine again and he starts to unbutton my shirt while kissing me deeper his breathing hitches from the excitement and I allow mine to too, he takes off our clothes and places kisses all over my body his hot wet mouth coating every inch of my skin our naked bodies glow golden from the fire reflecting off us .


Baby I want to make love to you I cant wait any longer Amber I need to feel myself deep in you let me I will be gentle this time ,she knows to submit she nods her head letting me know I may enter her .AH baby you feel so good and warm inside I tells her out loud what my mind is saying as I pushes my cock into her pussy she moans and tenses ,she is so tight but I take it slow not to hurt her I cant have her pussy out of order any longer then what its been ,she kisses me and digs her nails into my back as I push into her a bit deeper and cries out this is the start to making our empire I think to myself as I make love to my queen.

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