Birthday Wishes Part 19

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POV Amber

Lucy is 5 years old today I really can't believe how time flew past so quickly.
Jay and I are having a baby of our own and we are so happy, we have spent everyday since he and Mario saved me together as a family protecting Lucy, yes you heard right it turns out Mario was never torturing Jay he used someone else to do the things Kai requested him to do to Jay, I pray for that person everyday and the ones who had lost their lives in the plane crash the night we escaped to save mine and Lucy's life's, She is a wonderful little girl always happy and laughing if we never took those risks that night she wouldn't be the child she is today, we play for hours she is my best little friend and I can't imagine my life without my little princess, Jay adopted her as his own and he loves her just as much as if he where her own father, she doesn't know about Kai and we will never let her.


I walk into the kitchen where my love of my life is packing the picnic basket, with Lucy on my shoulders, hey baby are we ready to leave the car is packed and this little princess can't control herself she is so excited, Lucy reminds me a lot of Amber the way they laugh and the way their eyes fill up with excitement when there is a surprise waiting for them even their looks they look like they could be twins just Lucy is the younger version of her mother I tickle her, no daddy stop she giggles and I place a kiss on her head as I lower her.

POV Amber

Alright you two let's get going I say as Jay lowers Lucy down then wraps his arms around me and looks into my eyes and thanks me for giving him the life he always wanted and places a kiss on my forehead, I smile and thank him back because if it wasn't for you I say then Lucy and I wouldn't be here today.
we walk out hand in hand and  leave to drive to the park, when we arrive the decorations of silver tinsel and baby pink balloons have been put up in the area under the trees by Mario. We get out and Lucy runs off to play with her friends. Jay and I go sit and talk to Mario and his wife while sipping on some fresh fruit juice under the shade of the trees. A cold feeling runs through my body as Lucy runs towards me, mommy mommy look at this beautiful necklace I got she shouts and I nearly drop to the floor as I turn to look at what she is talking about I see the necklace Kai gave me for one of my birthdays, my hand swipes to my mouth as I gasp from shock, how could he have found us I think and quickly grab it out of her hands. Who gave this to you I shout at her and she starts to cry,I have never raised my voice at her before and she has a frightened look on her once happy face, Jay rushes over and I am in so much shock I can't talk but just stare at the necklace in my hands tears fall from my eyes and run down my cheeks.

POV Lucy

Mommy the man over there said that he got you one just like it for your birthday once, I cry as I don't know why mommy is shouting at me she grabs my arms hurting me as she pulls me to the car, daddy daddy I cry begging mommy to let me go, I want my daddy I sob sitting strapped in the back seat of the car. mommy drives away and leaves daddy there and tells me daddy is coming now but something is wrong why is mommy crying and why did we have to leave I wonder.


She is beautiful just like her mother, I have been watching them for a while now. I knew something wasn't right all along, I had the sex test redone and the lab technician called and told me it was a girl whereas Amber and Dr Daniel said it was a boy, I kept quite I wanted to see what Amber was up to, that night five years ago it all came together but I couldn't find her and my baby till now. Amber rushes off in the car, I call up my men and tell them to follow her but not to hurt them when they are far enough to away from the city then to stop her.
I walk up to my daughter in Ambers arms and pulled her from Amber. Hey baby girl do you want to go have some ice-cream I ask her as she wraps her little arms around my neck and I wipe her tears from her cheeks, she looks just like you Amber I say and touch her little red cheeks softly, Kai please Amber whines and I hand over Lucy to Lola she is one of the women that work for me but she is good with kids and they leave to get into the car.
Nice to see you again my queen I say as I smirk at her and trace my fingers over her lips she pulls her face away at my touch, You fucken whore I say as I fist her hard in the face, blood sprays from her mouth, you though you got a away and with my child oh Baby you where wrong and I laugh as her body hangs limp in between two of my men, she is mine Amber and I shout all mine you will never see her again if you wish to keep your new little family alive do you understand me. I take a fist of her hair and lift her head so she can look at me.

POV Amber

The pain shoots right through my body and blood sprays from my mouth, Kai please don't take my baby please Kai don't do this begged him with all I had left in me as her image faded in the back ground then gone once she was put into the car. Please I try to get my arms out of his men's grip but I have no joy, Kai she doesn't deserve that life I begged him let me keep her please Kai she needs her mother please but he only returns my plea with a smirk and answers just like she needed her father.


You took her from me, do you know the pain you caused me and our family thinking my wife and child where dead then to find out you and Mario betrayed me and kept Jay alive to create your new life and new family fuck you Amber this is my time I whispers as I kissed her one last time and kicked her hard in the stomach she screams in pain I laugh.
I take a fist of her hair and lift her head so she can look at me one more I will miss you my queen I say and I let go of her hair and walk away.

POV Amber
I lay there on the dirt road bleeding and in tremendous pain watching the car disappear as my eyes flooded with tears, my baby was gone and there was nothing I could do to stop this from happening. I let out a scream from the pit of my stomach, what have I done was the last thought I had before I closed my eyes closed and darkness took over.

So my loves that's it for my first book I hope you enjoyed it just as much as I did and maybe there just might be a sequel not 100% sure yet let me know what you think, and if thanks for all the love and votes. 😘😘

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