Chapter 6

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Khloe's POV:

Doe, Marcus and I struggled to match Nico and Xanders speed as they walked quickly towards the entrance to their castle, weaving between humans and vampires alike.

Still, that didn't stop me from gazing upon the huge structure.

Just from first glance, I could tell that Bronwyn's castle seemed like a dwarf compared to this one.

And that fact both overwhelmed and excited me.

I also noticed that this castle seemed to be a lot more welcoming to the vampires that lived there with the huge entrance being left wide open instead of having a guard and gate let people in as the last castle did.

I focused back on the path ahead of me and not running into the vampires that obviously were not going to step out of the way for two pets and a slave.

Nico frequently checked back to make sure I wasn't too far behind him, but neither of the vampires lowered their speed.

Not that I could blame them.

All five of us raced up the black-marbled stairs up to the entrance.

The two slave boys standing on the sides of the entrance caught my eye.

Doe and I nodded in response to their greeting that Nico and Xander unintentionally ignored

Marcus on the other hand squinted and looked them over like he was studying them.

Which I guess was understandable.

The three of us skidded to a stop once the two vampires stopped abruptly, their eyes quickly looking around like they were looking for something.

The room was absolutely filled with vampires and their pets, yet somehow it was still spacious.

White and gold marble spread across the entire floor, looking absolutely spotless and free of any flaw.

Actually, everything in this castle so far seemed to be free of any flaw from the textured white walls to the deep red curtains that hung here and there to the crystal chandeliers.

All of this honestly felt like a breath of fresh air

Slaves walked orderly around the room carrying trays filled with a variety of finger foods and some carrying glasses of blood.

I hadn't ever realized that Xander had sped off before he returned, somehow managing to hold two glasses of blood in each of his hands.

Xander immediately chugged down both of them as soon as Nico had taken the other two.

Nico did the same thing, but with a bit more decency.

Both brothers let out a sigh of relief, their shoulders visibly relaxing.

"Okay," Nico breathed out, setting his glass on the empty tray of a passing slave, " Now that that's over..."

He ran both of his hands through his hair to recompose himself and it took everything in my power to keep a straight face.

"Yeah," Xander replied, finally taking a moment to actually look around, "Wow. Mom and Dad really fixed this place up."

Nico took a moment to look around himself.

"Huh. I guess they did." He responded.

I jumped as a tray was suddenly held in front of my face.

The slave boy holding it laughed a bit at my reaction before gesturing for me to take one.

I looked down the food he was offering.

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