Chapter 51

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Nico's POV:

I silently made my way down the hall to where I had left Carlo, quieter footsteps following a couple strides behind me

He had been following me ever since we had left my room.

"I assume you're hoping to join me then?" I asked, turning enough to see the blond behind me.

His movement faltered ever so slightly with the surprise on his face, the thought of him staying out of what I was about to do not even appearing in his mind until now.

"I uh... Yes. I guess that was my intention." he replied shyly.

If I had to guess, I'd say that Marcus was worried about him.

However, Carlo was still a wild card to me.

I got bits and pieces about who he was and how he acted from Marcus, but I still didn't know what approach I was going to have to take to get what I needed from him.

"Is there a specific reason why?" I questioned, slowing my steps enough so that Marcus walked beside me.

The boy looked straight ahead with that same discontented look he left my room with.

"He's a bit... stubborn at times. And I know he means well, but if I'm being completely honest, I just don't want him getting himself hurt by refusing to answer your questions.," He was quiet for a few moments, "I know he worries about me as well, and I can't imagine what he's thinking at this point. He was always scared of you hurting me if something went wrong... Do you think he's awake?" he asked with a tinge of guilt.

From what I heard and saw, Marcus did hit him pretty damn hard.

But with the small inspection of Carlo before I left him, the injury wasn't too serious.

"Probably. I'd assume he has been for a while."

Marcus gave a small nod, fidgeting with his fingers.

"I just don't want him to think that I... you know..."

I didn't say anything, just looked him over as I recalled the night before.

The way Marcus immediately crumbled next to his unconscious friend, cradling him apologetically.

Even going as far as protecting him from me.

"You want to apologize," I stated plainly.

"Kind of... I'm just worried about him," I heard his heart rate speed up for just a moment, "I'm hoping that maybe if I'm there and obviously not injured, that he'll maybe be more willing to talk and reason with you."

That was my hope as well.

I wanted this conversation to be as simple as my conversation with Marcus was.

But I was more than willing to take more extreme measures If I need to.

Marcus was a trusted ally and a close friend to Khloe, but Carlo has already pissed me off in more ways than one.

Marcus seemed to also know this and was actively trying to avoid the more drastic option.

That worried tempo in his heart stayed consistent.

We turned the corner to the darkened hallway that held the room where I had left Carlo.

"You seem to care about him a lot more than you're letting on," I said, simply just thinking out loud.

But when his stance went rigid and his face filled with color something clicked.

Purely because the look on his face was similar enough to recognize as an expression I felt many weeks ago.

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