Chapter 22

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Khloe's POV:

"What!? You can't do that!" Marcus exclaimed as Doe put down her last card, deeming her the winner out of the two of them.

Lily had found some old board games and card games, and thought we might enjoy them while we hung out in the dining area.

And since neither Doe nor Marcus had ever played any, I took the liberty of showing them how to play starting with one of my favorite games as a child.


So, we sat around one of the round tables and began to play.

A smug smirk rose on Doe's face, "Sorry Marcus, but I can and I did. You put down a draw-four and that was the last card I had in my hand so I stacked it, therefore, I win,"

Well technically I won about three minutes ago, but we always played for second place.

"Since when was that the rules?" Marcus questioned, his acceptance of defeat coming slowly yet surely.

"Since we started playing? You literally stacked a draw-two card on top of Khloe's at the beginning of the game." Doe retorted, still beaming from her victory.

I quietly snacked on the finger foods Lily had made for us while I watched them.

The sight of them reminded me of how I used to be way back when.

The fact that we were all having fun just made me extremely happy.

I could even hear Lily's quiet titter at how we were behaving whole she made Doe and Marcus' lunches.

I was supposed to eat with Nico for lunch today, but he hasn't come to take me back to his room yet, and I was hungry.

So I had to control myself with how many of Lily's snacks I ate.

"I thought that only worked with draw-two's," Marcus said, looking at me for some clarification.

I shook my head, swallowing the food in my mouth, "Nope. Both draw-fours and draw-twos can be stacked."

Marcus groaned, slamming his two remaining cards onto the table, "Fine, I accept my defeat."

"Ready for another round?" I asked confidently, more than positive that I was going to win again.

"Heck yeah!" Doe declared.

I could tell that she was very much enjoying this game.

"Actually, can we hold off on the game for a couple minutes?" Marcus asked, his eyes gazing at the dining rooms entrance behind me.

"You still waiting for your friend?" I asked.

I had heard a lot about this slave friend that Marcus had, but I've strangely never met him.

"Yeah. I'm just really hoping that he'll show up, and I don't want him to show up in the middle of a game and-"

"Watch you lose?" Doe finished for him.

I stifled a laugh while Marcus glared at her.

"I was gonna say 'feel left out', but I guess that works too."

I piled all of the cards into the deck while I spoke,  "I guess we can hold off on the game for a bit. Your food should be ready soon anyway."

"Oh yeah, maybe with food in our stomachs one of us will actually be able to beat you," Doe stated and she leaned back against her chair.

I shrugged, "Maybe, but don't count on it."

Marcus was about to retort but instead perked right up at the sound of the door being kicked open.

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