Chapter 28

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Marcus' POV:

Nico surprisingly and thankfully didn't ask a lot of questions after my request. He just took me into the room where most of the cleaning supplies were held and instructed me in making a special concoction of chemicals that nullified my scent.

He made it so fast, that I barely even remembered what was put in it.

Then he handed it to me in a spray bottle, telling me that he had no idea what I was planning, but that he would be eternally grateful if I found out what he wanted to know.

He then told me that a vampires sense of smell was the first thing they relied on when noticing something, then their hearing, then their sight.

Which he basically summarised with, as long as I stayed as quiet as I possibly could, I'd be fine.

Nico wanted to know the Who and Why. nothing less. Both or nothing.

Of course, I already knew the Who, but I still had no idea why.

Luckily I knew when I could find out.

So, I wandered innocently around the Lord and Lady's floor with the concoction on my skin.

The liquid dried my skin quite a lot, but I guess that was the sacrifice of hiding your scent from one of the most powerful beings on earth.

I had eavesdropped enough to know that Carlo was supposed to meet with Lord Vanderwood at 2:00 pm.

And by eavesdropped I mean I got him to spill it during a conversation a couple of nights ago.

Despite his current situation, we still hung out, although never with the girls.

I guess now I know why.

Peeking around the corner, I spotted that he was right on time.

I watched as he approached the door that the Lord was behind, his hands fidgeting nervously by his front.

He was nervous.

That fact became even more so when he paused in front of the door for a few moments.

He was usually so calm when it came to meeting with the Lord, his nerves usually only showing after the fact.

He finally built up his nerve, knocking twice on the door before I barely heard the voice of the Lord telling him to enter.

I made my move as soon as the door shut behind him, making my way to the door as quickly and quietly as I possibly could.

I placed my back on the wall beside the door, shutting my eyes as I focused only on listening to what was going on inside.

"So you failed," The Lord said, sounding anything but pleased.

"She wouldn't talk my Lord. I asked her all of the questions you wanted, but her answers were never on topic and only barely understandable." Carlo defended.

He even sounded nervous.

Which was fair given that he supposedly failed the Lord.

And that for some reason filled me with both relief and set me on edge.

"Did you administer the drugs in the correct proportion?" The Lord asked.

"Yes," Carlo replied almost immediately, desperately even, "I measured them six different times before mixing them with the drink."

"And you still got no information whatsoever?" His voice was low, challenging even.

It sent cold chills down my spine and I could only imagine what it did to Carlo.

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