Chapter 30

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A/N: So these next couple chapters are just gonna be fluff/filler chapters because I feel like it and my characters feel like it.

Khloe's POV:

I squinted down at the paper, inching closer to it.

I think I got her nose wrong...

Glancing up at Doe, I erased it.

The two of us sat in one of the many common rooms while we waited for Marcus to come back and join us, both of us sitting on couches that faced the other.

I brought one of my sketchbooks, a different one than Nico originally got me for... specific reasons.

Doe originally found me and Marcus in the garden as I was drawing the gorgeous cherry tree out there, and took a lot of interest in it.

So, I offered to draw her, figuring I still owed her a couple favors for what she did for me in the clinic.

Her eyes practically lit up at the offer, so I decided to get started right away.

I had already successfully sketched out the head of a fawn that was going to be on the right side of the page and was now working on her side profile for the left.

Despite her name, she actually really liked deer.

Apparently, Xander took her into the forest behind the castle and they spotted a herd of wild deer.

And ever since then, she's had an admiration for them.

So I just went ahead and added it to the picture.

"How do you want this colored?" I asked, figuring that I wasn't going to finish all of this today.

She turned to face me, blinking with her wide eyes.

"You're gonna color it?" She asked, seemingly not expecting that I was going to.

"Of course I am," I responded, "It wouldn't last that long if it was just a pencil sketch."

She stared at me for a couple more seconds.

"What are the options?"

"Colored pencil, charcoal, paint, or watercolor." I listed off.

Judging by her expression, I guessed that she didn't really know what to take from that.

"Um... Whatever easiest?" She responded.

I nodded with a smile.

"Watercolor it is," I said.

It wasn't necessarily the easiest, but I thought it would turn out the best with the different shades of brown id be using.

"You really don't have to color it if it's going to be too much trouble," Doe said.

I shook my head, waving it off.

"Trust me, it's not. I've actually been in a stump when it comes to my art lately, so I'm glad I finally have a project to work on."

She seemed to accept that as I quickly returned my focus to the task at hand, glancing up every once in a while to make sure I was getting her features right.

Usually, Id think that stealing glances like that would make the person uncomfortable, but she didn't really seem to notice.

I guess I somehow trained myself to sneak in those glances from all the times I drew Nico...

Although a part of me thinks that Nico knows exactly what I'm doing whenever I'm secretly drawing him.

But he's never said anything about it so maybe he didn't.

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