Chapter 79

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Khloe's POV:

"Wait what?" I questioned after hearing what the woman beside me said.

I was going to have to feed from Xander?

My face managed to warm through the constant chill my body now had at the thought.

The thought that the time for me to have to do this was finally here

This part of vampirism was the one I was dreading the most.

But my body was practically screaming at me that I needed it.

My newly acquired fangs were practically aching and my body throbbed in an uncomfortable hunger that I had never experienced before.

It was an awful feeling that seemed to slowly worsen and spread the more I did nothing about it and the only solution was clear on my mind.

"Say no more," Xander spoke without a single tinge of hesitation, rolling up the sleeves to his dress shirt.

My eyes widened at how easily he agreed.

Not that I was expecting him not to

I definitely didn't want to feed from a human, and I highly doubt that I ever will, I knew that I couldn't have Nico here, so Xander did feel like my best bet.

Still, the thought made me nervous.

Not just the feeding Xander thing, but having Nico's entire family here to watch.

I already felt weird about his parents watching over me during all hours of the day.

But in all honesty, it did feel better having him here.

He wasn't Nico, but he was still someone that I had grown close to.

I kept my eyes on him as he approached, a small smile lifting his lips.

"Why do you look so nervous?" He asked in that calming tone I'd heard from him before, "You know I owe you this." He finished with a knowing look.

I exhaled a small laugh while his parents sent each other a questioning look.

Trying to repress what I was feeling all over my body, I spoke.

"This is all just... new and a little scary," My voice couldn't come out nearly as powerful as I wanted it to.

All these new feelings, new senses, not to mention the claws that I just barely got to go away.

It was basically just a completely new body that I barely knew how to control.

His brows rose for just a second before he turned towards his parents.

"Can we get some privacy?" He asked.

They looked at each other for a couple seconds before his mother nodded, gesturing for him to take her place.

He did without another word, holding an arm around my shoulder, and I had to fight to contain myself again.

While the Lord went to retrieve Xander, Caroline explained that once those vampiric instincts get settled in my body, that all of this will actually get worse.

But she followed it up with that once the transformation was complete, I'd have Nico to help me physically through all of it.

I just need to stick thought it until then.

Caroline walked over towards her husband, interlocking their fingers before heading to the door.

"Take all the time you need, we'll be right out here when you're done." Was the last thing she said before shutting the door.

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