Chapter 12

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Nico's POV:

I stared at the door, my head filling with hundreds of new ways that this night could go.

I think I knew exactly what this was going to be about.

I had hoped that since he hadn't brought it up ever since my arrival that maybe he wouldn't.

But I got too hopeful too soon.

I sucked in a long breath, straightening my stance and running my hands through my hair to regain my composure.

My arms fell loosely by my side.

I knew that this was coming, so I shouldn't act so surprised.

I've been expecting a little chat from my father about my expected wife ever since I made the decision to come here.

It's not even like this was going to be anything new.

Being a shameless disappointment to my father was something that I was good at, so I doubt the results of this conversation are going to be anything different.

There were just so many things that I would rather be doing.

I ran my tongue over my fangs, that small itching my gums and tingle in my throat staying steadfast.

I guess I'll have to take a raincheck on my scheduled hunting, that is if Khloe doesn't bring it up again.

God, I really hope she doesn't. I was partially happy that our conversation was interrupted since I knew she would insist on me drinking from her instead no matter what.

As much as I body craved that from her, especially now that she was mine, I still didn't want to hurt her like that.

And I really didn't like telling her no.

My head turned as the redhead gently grabbed my hand.

I didn't even hear her approaching...

She looked up at me with wide, worry-filled eyes.

"Do you know what he wants?" she asked.

I smiled softly at her, squeezing her hand lightly at her concern before intertwining our fingers.

"Yeah. I think so. I hope I'm wrong though," I muttered the last half.

I don't know what else this could possibly be about.

Every other problem he's had with me he usually just brought up during the family meals.

Which is why I rarely had Khloe join me during meals, which luckily wasn't too strange since Xander didn't usually bring Doe either.

But just what made this topic so special that he needed to drag me from my already limited free time?

I was planning to make the hunting trip as quick as possible so I could spend some time with Khloe before it got too late, but now only God knows how long this is going to take.

Knowing my father and knowing the probable topic, I had a feeling it was going to be a long night.

I hadn't even realized my grip was tightening on Khloe until I felt her thumb rubbing against my hand.

"What is it about ?" She questioned.

I didn't answer right away.

This topic wasn't really something that I wanted to bring up while I was with her. I knew she was already self-conscious about our relationship without the fact that I was expected to constantly seek out a wife being thrown at her.

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