Chapter 16

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Khloe's POV:

I took a step back after having set down the last book of my collection on the desk.

That made eight books total, neatly lined up in two rows of four.

Recently, I've been spending a lot of the time that Nico's away in the library reading.

Reading romance books to be exact.

As embarrassing as it sounded, I had no idea how to properly be in a relationship and I needed some advice.

Most girls would just ask their moms or sisters but that wasn't really an option for me.

I thought about asking Lily, but what no average pet would ever need relationship advice and she might get suspicious.

And the embarrassment I got just thinking about asking Nico threw that idea out almost immediately.

Needless to say, I had no idea what I was doing.

So far it seemed like our relationship was going fine, but I just wanted to make sure and know how to progress with him properly.

I really didn't want to mess this up, especially now that Nico had all of these dates to go on.

He was on his first one right now, in fact.

I tried not to dwell on it and focused back at the task at hand.

Looking for my answers in fiction romance books written by vampires wasn't exactly the most reliable of sources, but this was all that I had.

And I actually learned quite a bit about how vampire relationships differed from humans.

I didn't know before that vampires fed from each other as an act of expressing their love and trust.

Maybe I should ask Nico about that at some point.

I placed my hands on the desk and leaned forward a bit, glancing over every title.

I had read through every single one of these and marked the pages that I felt might be important.

Every first kiss, every first 'I love you', every little interaction that stuck in my brain, every first time things got... sexual.

I marked those last ones, but almost always skipped over them.

Id get embarrassed just reading it.

As for the first two subjects, I was surprised how the 'I love you' came soon if not directly after the first kiss.

Was that normal in the vampire community?

Or in any relationship?

My shoulders slumped as I lifted up the book where both happened on the same page.

Turning to that page I read it.

He kissed her, it was just a small and simple brush of the lips before he proclaimed his love to her.

I thought back to my first kiss.

How it happened in such an unlikely time and how it came so naturally to me once his lips met with mine.

I had a gut feeling that if the situation had been different, our first kiss would have been a lot longer.

And even if he wanted to proclaim his love, that wouldn't have been the right time.

I guess a couple days later we kind of confessed our love, but he never actually said that word.

He's never said that word.

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