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Aizawa POV

The sore tired bandaged man walks back to the commentator's box to where his friend Hizashi is sitting looking over the field, however, when he notices the presence behind him, he spins on his chair.

"YOOOOOO SHOOOOO!" Mic yells annoyingly loud, just like usual.

"Dammit, keep the fucking noise down my head hurts!" the angry injured man yells back in retort, throwing his old friend off.

"What happened? You seem tense!?" with a concerned look on his face Hizashi turns to glance at the mummified man.

"Nothing," grumbling, putting his head on the side to take a nap. 'Why am I so angry it's not like we're dating or have even seen each other in the last however long. Why am I so tense? She can do better than that over ego'd prick!' Aizawa thinks before hearing footsteps coming to the commentary box.

Normal POV

'Hmmm, I know what will cheer Mic and Sho up, food and coffee." You think to yourself, oblivious that Aizawa had only seen half your conversation with Enji. Grabbing some coffee and Takoyaki before making your way to the commentary box.

Inside, Sho is being grumpy but you are hoping this will cheer him up. 'He must still be in pain from the USJ. He was always stubborn I'll have to check with Recovery Girl. See if there is anything, I can do to help him.' Humming to yourself on your way to the top of the stairs, in a chipper mood after standing up to Enji. However, your neck is a little bruised from where he choked you, when you get a minute, you'll go to get it looked at.

"Heyyyyy Guys, you're doing great! I thought you could do with some supplies!" Holding out your goods to the two men staring at you, clearly some tension going on in the room when you came bursting in. Sho always gave Mic some shit for being too loud, that's the only thing you could think of that would put the long-haired man in a mood.

"So, I have a caramel latte for you Mr Mic." handing the nervous blonde the coffee, giving him a little wink. Although he smiles yet looks a little concerned for the other man. "Why so grumpy Sho Sho/ I got your favourite black coffee the stronger the better right? Also, here is some hot Takoyaki I hope you......" before you can even finish the smile on your face falters.

"Why the hell are you bringing us food and after what you just did?" the mummified man yells at you throwing both you and the blonde-haired man off guard.

"I don.." trying to respond but not being allowed to speak.

"Oh! You know you cheap slut look at your fucking neck! This is a school sports festival you clearly left your dignity in the States!" The rage in Aizawa's voice is like nothing you'd heard before.

Literally, you don't know what to say, your mouth is agape at the venomous words being thrown in your direction.

"What's that you can't even defend your actions because you know how despicable they are?" another blow in your direction but all you do is just stare wide-eyed.

"Hey Aizawa, aren't you gonna, ya know let her defend herself?" the other man in the room questions, giving you a merciful glance.

The black-haired man glares at his friend, "Well you heard him (f/n). what excuse do you have? I can't wait to hear this BS that your mouth is about to say!" Aizawa is seething with rage.

Finally, snapping back to your sense, glaring back at him anger flaring this time "You know what Sho? I don't need to explain anything to you. I actually couldn't give two shits what you think. If you think I'm that low, then be my..." Before you can finish your phone starts to ring. Stopping you glower at the man in front of you, glancing at the name, seeing that it was Seb's name.

Broken Heart! Shota Aizawa x Reader. (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now