Chapter 16: Survival Guide

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Suna and Main talked about how they stumbled on the first event item, and about how they found the other items after reading several online discussions.

They told me that they managed to collect the remainder of event items by joining up with other players and their parties.

They also said that they managed to make it through the [Black Wood] by partying up with another group.

When the event officially start the group they came with abandoned them and left them on their own, and they've been struggling to make any headway on their own.

I felt bad for the two of them, these two kids shouldn't have been involved with this event. I couldn't help but think of their parents who signed them into the event, and everything that came with it.

Most of all I wondered how the two of them managed to survive for this long.

I know it's not my place, but I want to make sure these two get through this on their own.

Mystical Awakening Online Vol. II  (CPN)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang