Chapter 34: Final Preparations

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After finishing my shopping I went to meet up with Mani and Suna, at a nearby restaurant. After about ten minutes of waiting the twins came in waving to me.

We sat down ordered food and talked about the game plan.

"So did you both get the gear you needed?"

"Yeah I got a better weapon and armor," mani replied with a large grin.

"Hope you got some decent accessories too?"

"Yup, sure did."

"Good. What about you Suna," I asked turning to her. "You need specific weapons and accessories make the build we planned. Plus some good armor in case you do get into trouble."

"Yeah, I'm all set," she said half heartedly. She was looking down fidgeting with her food.

"You nervous?" I asked.

"Very," she said sinking down into her chair.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine."

"Tsubasa it doesn't feel like I'm ready, I still don't feel like I can beat the boss. And if that happens-"

"Hey, none of that. We practiced a lot remember. You fought solo in your class change quests, we ran all those dungeons, and we went over all the bosses attacks and moves. You'll be fine."

"Yeah, okay."

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