Chapter 43: Self Doubt and Belief

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The three of us did a small run through of all the boss's attacks and even the promotion cues. They both managed to get everything correct, it seems they remembered everything they learned.


Now it's up to them.

They both have to put everything they learned and practiced into action.

"Alright Mani, Suna, time to get in there and win!" I said it with as much enthusiasm as I could muster, without it sounding too awkward.

"Yeah!" Mani shouted back weakly tried to sound sure of himself, it was obvious he was nervous.

" . . . Yup." Suna had a harder time mustering anything that resembled confidence.

This isn't good. They need to have more confidence.

How can I . . .

. . .

"Both of you," I said placing my hand on their heads, "listen, you got this. You know why."

They both shook their heads no.

"Because I believe you can, I know you can. You put in the practice and the effort. You learned a lot. You have to have faith and believe in yourself, if you that's a struggle for you then remember that I believe in you."

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