NCIS Chapter 1

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Middle East

Lily's POV

I try to put a fight against terrorists, but they are way too strong for me. They seems to be talking in their language, Arabic. They try to take information about main base, which is where my former Marines team is at right now. It's must be been what two years ago since I'm honorable discharge from that team, and captured at same time, because I'm Deaf. I'm refused to give any information about them to that groups of terrorists. I'm refused, because my Marines team is acting like my family, but I knew that they're not my biological family.. Group of Terrorists tied my hands, so that way, I can't communicate with my hands. I just can read lips little, and not lot, because I hate take speech therapy. The reason why, is that when I was like 5, or 6 years old, and I'm move from foster home to foster home, and each families kind of force me to take speech therapy, because they through that I can be "Hearing" again. That's problem for them, because I still am Deaf. Even worst, when I was baby, doctor let my foster parents know that he shall put Cochlear Implant, and banned them from teach me sign language and they just say "go ahead, do it, we both want our foster deaf daughter to be hearing again". As I grew up, they told me that they make that decide without let them know about my opinion on that stupid Cochlear Implant.

United States of America

NCIS Building

Ziva's POV

I told Gibbs right away about a email from Navy Marine General in Middle East. I knew that there are lot of wars going on, and I wondered why would he email me right away. Gibbs told me "is someone in trouble over there"? I told him "it appears that there is someone who was capture in Middle East, she's Deaf, and she was first deaf female to enlisted into Navy Marine two years ago, but she was honorable discharge.

Gibbs' POV

Ziva, please call director Jenny Shepard and have her meet us in MTAC, Tony, please grab Abby, Ducky, and meet us in MTAC, and McGee, give me more information about that deaf marine female. They got to do their job right away. I run toward the stairs, and told Tony, Ziva, and McGee "you guys meet me in MTAC, after you guys finished your job".

Tony's POV

I'm puzzled about why would Gibbs need Abby, and Ducky right away?? Anyway, I walk toward elevator and press down button, and wait for the elevator to open to Abby's Lab. I enter Abby's Lab to see her hold her hippo, Bert. Bert usually make fart sound whatever Abby hold him. I told her that Gibbs want her to meet him in MTAC.

Abby's POV

I was surprised that Gibbs want me to be in MTAC, for whatever reason. As I hold Bert, he make fart sound, and I told Tony that I will be there in a moment. Tony left, and I wonder why would Gibbs need me in MTAC, unless, there have being a emergency, somewhere, but where?? As I walk toward elevator, left my hippo, Bert in my Lab, and door to the elevator open, and there is Ducky, and Tony. We enter and go up to MTAC.

Jenny's POV

As I was about to do my work, phone is ringing, ringing, and I answer. On the another end is Ziva David, and she told me "Gibbs want you to meet him in MTAC, for specific reason, and that's there is a Marine missing in action". I told her "I will be there in moment". Phone call ended, and I wonder about this marine who is missing, and I left my office, told my assistant to look after my office.


Gibbs' POV

I told someone to connect me to Afghanistan, because that the last time their team saw her. Video chat show up, and there is person who was responsible for supervisor their team there. Tim, Tony, Ziva, Abby, Ducky, and Jenny show up in here. I told him "can you tell me what the hell is going on two years ago"? He told us that marine female's name is Lily Archer, and she's Deaf. He also told us that he released her from her tour in Afghanistan, because he don't want her to risk her life for nothing. I told Tim "is there any information about this Lily Archer"? He told me that she's adopted, and she usually moved from one foster home to another one, because nobody want her.

Ziva's POV

I feel a connection with this Lily Archer, and I don't know why. I don't know her this well, but somehow, I feel like I knew her. Tony look at me, and ask "what wrong? You knew her or not"? I told him "I don't know, but I feel this connection with her...."

Oh, Ziva feels this connect....any idea why would she felt this connect with Lily Archer?? Comment below, and I will update soon as possible, and there's no rush.

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