NCIS Chapter 13

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NCIS Building, Bullpen

Lily's POV

I pull a picture of myself, Batya, and David out of my marine shirt, and put it near my computer. To this day, I still have no idea what happen to them. I look at that picture, and think "it's my fault, I should have look after them that day".

Ziva's POV

I was at my desk, look at picture of myself, and Lily the day she was leaving. I look at her, and she's at her desk, by her face expression, she felt really regret about something, but I don't know what she regret about. I have a feeling that she will be reveals what she's regret about someday.

Tony's POV

I arrive to find Lily, and Ziva at their desk, looking at something. I know what Ziva's looking at, but I don't know about Lily, because she's secret person, and don't reveals easily. All she need is our trust, and all we need is her trust. I settle down on my desk, wait for a case to show up.

Tim's POV

I arrive little later as usually, because I don't like being early bird. I try everything to help Gibbs convince Jenny to let Lily Archer stay, and not leave. I'm furious at Jenny right now, because why wouldn't she approve Lily to be part of our team. It's our responsibility to make sure that she feel welcome, and not feel alone. I look around, and Tony play on his phone, Ziva do her works, and Lily was sleep with her stuffed animal wolf. It's been emotional week for us, and that included Gibbs, Abby, Ducky, and Jimmy. Sometime cases show up, and that turn out to be suicide or accident, but never murder, and not since Christine the murderer who murder Petty Officer Ben Stone.

Upstairs, Director's room

Gibbs' POV

Now I have Tim McGee help me out with convince Jenny to let Lily stay and be part of our team. My responsible is to hold the fort, and that's means I'm responsible for my team, and their Bullpen. I knew that Tony, Tim, Ziva, and Abby try their best to make Lily feel welcome.

Jenny's POV

I look at Gibbs and say "I can't approve her, because we have enough members on your team, and I can't take responsible for her problem"!!! He told me that he will take care of her, and act like her "father" that she never have before! He say that his team will be her "siblings", no matter how different she is from us!! He left.


Lily's POV

I was sleeping on my job, so I wake up, make sure that I don't missed anything. My stuffed animal wolf fall to the floor. I don't have any nightmare, but I don't know why I wake up right now. I saw Gibbs storm off to his desk, feel angry, but I don't want to get on his bad side. I get down to the floor, and under my desk, and my hand find stuffed animal wolf, and grab her, and squeeze it.

Tony's POV

I told Gibbs "what happened upstairs"? He told me "Jenny still don't approve her...and I don't know why she wouldn't just approve, and accept her"??..... I also noticed that Lily is under her desk, and I figure out that she don't want to get on Gibbs' bad side. I told Ziva to go and check on her.

Ziva's POV

Tony told me to go and check on Lily. I walk toward her desk to find her hold her stuffed wolf animal, and she look at me. I go under, face her, and just look at her, try to remember who she is.

Lily's POV

I pull a folded paper out of my marine pant, and told Ziva "is this your phone number?" in sign language. I give it to her, and she realized something. She text to Tony, ask him for something. Tony bring her something, and he left. She give me a picture of her and I. I told her "that picture was taken place just a week after I graduated from Marine Camp, and just two day after that, I was deployment." in sign language.

Ziva's POV

After what she just told me, it's trigger a memory of mine...

Flashback, Lily's Deployment

Ziva's POV

The day Lily was about to be Deployment to Afghanistan, I was happy for her, but at same time, I was sad, because that might be last time we might be see each other. She told me "don't cry, you're make me cry too." in sign language. I told her " I know, but I can't help myself...." in sign language. I written my phone number on a paper, and give it to her. We ask someone else to take picture of us, and my left arm go on her left shoulder, and her right arm go on my right shoulder. We smiled in that picture.


Lily's POV

I grab Ziva's hands, and she snap out of her memory, and she say "I can't believe that I remember you, from the day you're deployment, oh my gosh why would I take such long time to remember, and require you....???" in sign language. I told her "same, and I don't know why we don't require each other right away....??" in sign language.

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