NCIS Chapter 40

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NCIS, Bathroom

Lily's POV

I turn around to find a angel stand there, look at me, as I ask "who are you, why am I chosen and how did you enter in here?"

Angel Gabriel's POV

I'm not like Castiel, who let mother, Jaelyn know that she will be pregnant. I'm more of this communication angel who provide any information to any humans from God. My name is Gabriel, and I'm sent to this world by God, to let her daughter, Lily know about something that will break her heart. I told her "my name is Gabriel, and I'm angel, sent by God, because you're his daughter."

Lily's POV

I'm shocked that my mother, Jaelyn don't tell me that I'm God's daughter. I told him "why am I sent to this cruel world?" He told me "there's something that you don't know about, but did you know Batya, and David?" I told him "yeah, I did knew them, Batya is here, alive, but I have no idea where her brother, David is!" I also told him "in Afghanistan, I went out to look for them, but all I found was their shoes, and they're just kids!" Gabriel told me "I know, and you're lot like your mother, because her goal is to become a marine, and wants to help lot of children who were displaced during the war." He also told me "David think that this is all of your fault, because he thought that you left him." I'm confused, and ask him "is David here or what?" He told me "you have to figure out, and your 'family' will help you out." But I told him "how will they react to me being an angel, and am God's daughter?!?!"

Angel Gabriel's POV

I told Lily "they're already find out that you are an angel, but they don't know that you're his daughter..." I left her.

Lily's POV

As Gabriel left me alone, I make my wings gone, and I unlock the bathroom door, and walk out of it. I walk toward our bullpen to find my 'family' stand there, look at me. I told them "I'm so sorry, I'm sorry, I really am."

Gibbs' POV

As Lily come to us, and she was heartbreaking, because she don't want to kept secrets away from us. I told her "that's ok, we know, and who is that man in the video?" She walk toward the board, and told Tim "please enclose on that man's face." I nods at him, as he run to his computer, and enclose.

Ziva's POV

I felt that Lily somehow knew that man, and I told her "that's ok, we will stay by your side, no matter if Jenny Shepard kept seperate you from us!" She look at me, and told me "thanks, I don't know what I will do without you guys." Tony told her "if you're been not here, we will be missing a piece to our puzzle." She sighs, and told us "I have something that I have to tell you, and I don't know if you guys can able to accept me."

Lily's POV

Tony, Ziva, Tim, and Gibbs all look at me, as I remembered what Gabriel told me. I told them "an angel show up in the bathroom, and his name is Gabriel...he told me something that I was shocked already....he told me that.... I was..." They told me "he told you that you are what?" I sighs, and felt nervous... Gibbs walk toward me, and told me "no matter what you are, we can accept it." I look up at him, and them, as I told them "he told me that I was God's daughter, and I have no idea why my mother kept this away from me!" They felt shocked too, and they say "what? You are God's daughter?" I told them "that what Gabriel told me, and I have no idea too!" Gibbs look at me, and he told me "that's ok, you don't know that you are his daughter, but do you know that man?" I look at the board, and my face have gone white, and pale. He told me "are you ok, you act like you seen a ghost?" I told him "that man is the boy who I failed to look after....he is David Garlock, Batya's older brother." Ziva told me "are you sure?" I told her "yeah, Gabriel told me to figure out who that man is, and he also told me that you guys will help me." She told Tim "where is him right now"!?!?! He tracking where he is. I walk toward my desk, and settle down on my chair.

Gibbs' POV

Lily have through a lot, she told us that she is daughter of God. I look at her, as she felt little stressful, and I told her "what will you like to do, we can hold that manhunt later?" She told me "maybe go out for coffee or something?" When Tony, Ziva, and Tim walk toward us, and told us "we don't see your place yet, and we all kind of want to come over?" She told us "oh, you guys, I have awesome idea!" She also told us "how about housewarming party at my place, Gibbs, can you tag Abby, and Ducky along with you?" I chuckled, and told her "what can I say, welcome to our family!"

Lily's POV

As Gibbs say that to me, I was crying in happiness, and told them "honestly, if I don't have been here, you guys will be mess for sure!" They're glad, and they hug me, as I hug them back. I look at Gibbs like he my father, Ziva as my older sister, Tim as my younger brother, and Tony as my older brother.

Narrator's POV

This story is coming to end, but wait, there's more! Will Lily can able to face her asshole father or not? What will happen during her housewarming party?

I will write short story about Lily and her housewarming party. The title of this short book will be "My Musketeers" see you in the next book! "My Musketeers" will take place between United to be a Family, and Family is impossible to be Broken.

-Lily Rhyme

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