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Laineth didn't really know what to expect when she was escorted into the dining hall. Maethon wasn't very descriptive when she asked about it all, saying something about the King and his council, but nothing of real importance that she could pick up. Her eyes were still as foggy and unclear as ever, but she could certainly tell that the dining hall was massive. The echoes of the few voices in the room seemed to fill the whole hall. Maethon announced her arrival to the King, who didn't say anything in return. The advisers were still happily chatting away, so Laineth assumed that no one really cared about her presence too much, which was oddly reassuring.

The last she heard from Maethon was him excusing himself once she'd sat down at the table. He pointed out that she was about six seats down from the King, who was at the head of the table, there were some of the King's advisers to her right, but not her left. About a quarter of the table was currently occupied, there was no one else around to fill the remaining spots. For a few moments, she felt around for her cutlery, not used to having more than one spoon and three different knives. Eventually, she settled on a knife and fork, knowing the smell of venison meant that meat was around.

No one tried to speak to the mystery woman, which was probably a good thing since she was trying to concentrate so hard to make sure that she accurately stabbed the meat and didn't force her fork into her own hand or something stupid like that. Thranduil was watching her from where he sat at the head, impressed that despite her blindness, she was able to eat like any other elleth, perhaps a bit clumsier than some but still impressive. By this point, he had become skilled at maintaining conversation with one person whilst focusing on another. Laineth intrigued him, so much so that he had asked one of his advisers, Ortheron, about her. Ortheron was practically the speaker of the people, he would come to the King with the problems of the various citizens of the realm and speak for them. It saved individuals the pain of traveling from their homes to visit the King. Ortheron had no idea who the woman was, he said that he had never seen her before.

"She's quite the oddity, wouldn't you say Thranduil?" Lomion spoke up, leaning over to nudge his King with his elbow.

Thranduil hummed, "Yes, indeed. I find it so striking that no one knows a thing about her, yet she and the elves of the outer wood say she has been roaming these lands for almost a decade!"

Lomion and Ortheron nodded, they agreed, it was very odd. Ortheron was more suspicious of her than curious. He knew something was off about this girl and if anyone was going to find out, it would be either him or Lomion. He raised an eyebrow as he watched Laineth, her eyes dead ahead, facing the opposite wall, her fork guiding a piece of potato up to her mouth. It was as if she was in some sort of trance, or someone was doing it for her. Ortheron's head tilted as he observed her foggy eyes, trying to figure out what exactly robbed her of her sight.

Laineth could sense the eyes on her, so she spoke up.

"I do not know what caused my blindness, so I would advise that you don't ask. However, if you do have any ideas as to what caused it, please do seek me out." She affirmed, her hands nor head ever faulting from her dinner. Lomion snickered, amused by the woman's sudden outburst.

Ortheron coughed, trying to avoid retorting to the Lady's response, "I have my theories, milady, if I ever find evidence, I'll be sure to let you know. The king will command it."

Thranduil was sure not to get involved, but was somewhat confused by Ortheron's attitude towards Laineth. He too was sure there was something otherworldly about his new guest, but he didn't believe that she would dare harm anyone. If she was going to hurt someone, she would've done so or at least attempted to by now. But instead, she had been healing his people without expecting anything in return. Ortheron was right to have some suspicion towards her, she was new after all, but he sensed that his suspicions were much higher than necessary. Thranduil reminded himself to have a talk with his speaker after dinner.

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