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Wrapped up in Glorfindel's cloak, Laineth clung to the reins of her trusted steed. She knew Thranduil wouldn't mind if she borrowed a horse for a while, its not like he needed it anyway. It had really cooled down compared to the comparatively humid forest that she'd lived in for over a decade. The Misty Mountains were home to frequent snowstorms, especially in the mid-winter. Thankfully, Glorfindel had timed his journey to and from the Woodland Realm so that he would miss any of the bigger storms, however, it was foolish to cross the mountains not prepared for a storm.

Laineth had never been made aware of that point.

Fortunately, Glorfindel was the type of person to come prepared for the worst, so he had plenty of cloaks and things with him to shield him from the harsh weather. He was kind enough to provide Laineth with one of his own, deciding that he should probably keep her happy considering that she was a princess technically on the run and Thranduil would not be impressed if she returned to him cold and grumpy.

Thankfully, the weather wasn't too harsh on the pair and their steeds and since the Lord was a seasoned traveler of the route, they were able to make their way through the narrow passages of the mountains without running into too much trouble. Of course, the occasional rock fell and spooked the horses, threatening to send the two of them tumbling down the steep cliffs, but apart from that and the uncomfortable snow, they were fine.

Gazing upwards as her horse who she'd lovingly named Trevadion shuffled through the snow, she tried to count the stars, but was constantly thrown off the the large clouds that continuously obscured her view. She could only huff in disappointment and it was only because he had the ears of an elf that Glorfindel heard her.

"Not much further now, your highness!" He called back to her through the miniature blizzard, "I think it is just another few bends before we descend into the valley!"

"Thank Eru for that!" Laineth yelled back, urging Trevadion forward to stay close to the lead, "There is nothing I desire more than a good meal and a glass of wine right now, perhaps a warm bed if Lord Elrond is kind enough."

Glorfindel scoffed, "I think you will find Lord Elrond to be more than willing to provide you with whatever you need. However, I think he will urge you to do what I did."

Sighing as she came alongside her companion, she turned to him as they trotted along, "That I should go back to Thranduil because he was oh so kind to provide me with shelter and compassion for the time that he did, yes I know the lecture now my Lord. However," She paused, quite possibly for dramatic effect, a habit she'd picked up from spending too much time with the Elvenking, "I do believe that a little outing, a little adventure to visit my kin and homeland would be good for me and perhaps Thranduil will learn to treat me with more respect when and if I return."

Knowing that whatever he would say wouldn't suffice her, Glorfindel stayed silent, only nodding to show his understanding. With a whisper in his steed's ear, the horse sped up to lead Laineth and Trevadion onwards to Imladris.

Glorfindel was right, it wasn't much longer. Once they began descending into the valley, the storm seemed to disappear into the mist, revealing the last homely home east of the sea to them in its full glory. They had arrived later than planned, the sun had already set behind the mountains and the moon was high in the sky, the snowstorm must have slowed them down. However, Lord Elrond had been made aware of Glorfindel's intended time of arrival and he was expected, just not with an extra guest.

The pair rode down the path and made themselves known, their horses whinnying as they arrived. Already, there was an ellon waiting for them, he was dressed in light blues that seemed to reflect the moon. His hair was dark and as far as Laineth could tell, his eyes were green, but the lighting wasn't helpful, so she'd have to get a better look once she had dismounted Trevadion.

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