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Looking down from atop the stairs, Laineth shuddered. Diverting her gaze up to the grey sky, she sighed, making her way down the stairs. She halted as she passed him, motioning to follow her. He did so, a meter or two behind as she embarked on a walk down a very slim and overgrown path that went around the back of the palace. It was obvious that no one paid any attention to it anymore, the grass and moss had covered the cobbled stones that made up the walkway. Bushes nearby had grown onto the path, making it even slimmer than it was originally. There was just enough space for Laineth to charge her way through without having to bash at the leaves of the bushes.

The two of them walked in silence, she much farther ahead than he. It was clear that she wasn't in a mood to be toiled with, the anger fuming off of her was enough to shut anyone up. Even the seas had calmed for her. Eventually, a tan coloured gazebo came into view, surrounded by flowers. It sat on the edge of a cliff, right up against the mountains. The path led right up to it. Laineth's head rose slightly as she looked upon it and her pace quickened even more.

Gracefully, she climbed the few steps up to enter the gazebo and straight away went to lean on the banister. The winds from the sea began to blow her hair, but she cared not. The clanking of his armor faded once he too had climbed the stairs. He stood a good distance away from her, against the opposing banister.

She turned slightly to observe him. "Take that ugly helmet off, for crying out loud. I can barely see you."

He did as she asked and pulled the heavy helmet off, holding it tight under his left arm. It was good to finally feel the cool air on most of his face. He was only barely able to see out of it.

A tiny smile appeared on Laineth's face, but it almost immediately disappeared. Returning to look out at the sea, she slouched slightly and exhaled. "This gazebo was made for my mother. It seems that she loved it here. Perhaps that's why I was drawn to it all those weeks ago."

"It's a beautiful view, I can see why she would like it so much." He replied.

She hummed, spinning herself around so she was in the same position as him. On opposing sides of the gazebo, two royals stood. Quite the scene.

Looking down at her hands, Laineth chuckled, "You came all this way for me? That's quite the journey for someone like you, Thranduil."

Gazing out above her head towards the sea, Thranduil huffed, "Technically, I came to ensure that my dear friend Issel would arrive safely and not be attacked on the way here."

"Well that didn't go to plan now did it?" She watched his movements, they were stiff, as if he was anticipating her anger. He stayed silent, he knew full well the plan didn't go well. "Was a technicality of that plan that you were going to be able to see me as well?"

"Perhaps. If you had read the letter you'd know." He replied harshly.

Feigning offense, she approached him. "After courting you for the best part of two years, you would think we'd know each other quite well. I don't think we do. I think Glorfindel probably knows me better than you."

Straightening up whilst putting his helmet on the ground, Thranduil grunted. Taking a look around at his surroundings, looking for anyone nearby. Satisfied that no one was watching, he drew closer to Laineth, head tilted slightly.

"Does he now? Perhaps I will challenge him to a duel of wits later, see if he can outsmart me then as well."

Standing her ground, Laineth cackled, "I'm testing you. Do you truly still believe that filthy rumor? I bet Ortheron absolutely loved that when you informed the whole council."

"Very much, I don't think I've seen him smile so wide."

Laineth stepped backwards so she could admire the armor he wore, ignoring the thought of Ortheron. "This is nice, apart from the helmet. Is it new?"

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