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The shock on Laineth's face was very apparent. From where Glorfindel stood speaking to the stablehand, he could very clearly see the amusing expression she was donning. She took a few steps backward alongside the fountain, rubbing her eyes to ensure she wasn't in one of her dreams again. Yet when she opened them again, she was greeted with the same man. Oh, so familiar.

"Annunor?" She almost cried, her voice getting caught in her throat.

The ellon smiled dearly, "Ai, how I have missed your voice, dear sister."

Immediately, the pair found themselves wrapped in each other's arms, willfully holding back any tears to maintain their dignity. Laineth had very much underestimated how emotional this reunion would be. Of course, she expected to find herself feeling very happy and relieved once she had found her younger brother, but he had taken her by surprise. His unexpected appearance had really shaken her, reminded her of all those times they'd had together when they were children. Annunor was bigger now, his shoulders were broader and his eyes seemed wearier than when she last saw him.

"I cannot explain to you how happy I am to see you!" She exclaimed, tightening her grip around Annunor's shoulders.

Smirking into his older sister's hair, he couldn't find it within himself to pull apart from her. All this time they had spent in paranoia, fearing the other had died or had left the continent. To find themselves in their ancestral homeland reuniting with each other was fitting, especially considering upcoming events.

Hearing a cough behind her, Laineth reluctantly pulled apart from her brother. Giving him a sad look, she was about to explain what was happening when Glorfindel spoke up instead.

"Apologies to interrupt, but I wish to inform the Lady that I am going to go look for those letters. I'd recommend you remain close by in case I need to see you in a hurry, Laineth." He said, "If you need anything, I'll be in the palace, probably in my study."

Laineth nodded, "Understood, my Lord. Good luck on your hunt. I will likely be with Annunor should you need me."

With a determined look on his face, Glorfindel turned and swiftly headed up the marble stairs to enter the palace. The large glass doors were opened for him by two guards, disappearing behind them in a matter of seconds. Laineth turned to take one last look at the great statue of her uncle before turning back to Annunor.

"It's a long story brother, perhaps I can explain it to you while we walk to find your family, yes?"

A reassuring smile on his face, Annunor agreed. "Sounds like a good idea to me."

As the Maironion and Maironiel strode through the streets of Mithlond, they conversed over how their lives had gone since they had last seen each other. It seemed like the pair of them had quite the opposing experiences. Annunor had fled around the same time as Laineth, just before the battle of Dagorlad broke out. Coincidentally enough, he had ridden into the army of the Woodland Realm who was accompanying the larger Lindon army. A contingent of elves had halted to speak with him and Annunor, deciding that he wanted to be as helpful as possible, divulged intelligence on Mordor's forces to their commander. A certain silverish blonde haired commander. Laineth smirked at this, what were the odds? Poor Thranduil would barely remember such a meeting now, the battle was much too scarring for him. Nevertheless, he would likely recognize the face of Annunor should they ever meet again.

"After that, I rode to Lothlorien accompanied by a scout who went to report to the King's regent. Our distant kinswoman Galadriel was regent while the King was away, so I paid a visit to her as well before heading through Caradhras to reach Imladris. It had only just been established then, you see, and Lord Elrond was obviously marching with our uncle. There were very few people there so I simply rode straight through." He explained, gesturing wildly with his hands as they turned onto a small cobbled street, surrounded on either side by very Elvish looking buildings.

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