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Third Age, Year 11 (a year later)

Courting the King most definitely had its upsides, Laineth was very much used to it now. She had gotten used to the odd stares and glares from the courtiers and the counselors. Some had even taken to giving her a slight bow of the head whenever she passed by, noting her silent ascendance in rank in the court. Of course, Issel was ecstatic, she would not stop going on about the unorthodox couple for what seemed like months. They met up fairly often, Laineth was just on her way to the gardens for their next meeting. To her joy, she had been moved to the other side of the abodes, closer to where the King and his more esteemed guests would stay. It was one of the many perks that she found she now had as the woman who was the apple of the King's eye.

She wore a pale green dress with gold fabric tracing a criss-cross pattern down the middle until it reached her skirt. The skirt itself didn't trail out behind her as much as other dresses, it simply touched the ground and flowed about Laineth's feet, nothing more and nothing less. It was normal to see her walking about without shoes on, the poor courtiers would likely be worried if they saw her with shoes on, it meant that she would be going out into the woods, something she rarely did nowadays.

With a smile on her face, she walked through the doors out into the airy gardens, a place she often found solace in. Herself and Thranduil were inherently stubborn and often had fiery arguments, the gardens were Laineth's first port of call when it came to calming herself down. Immediately, she spotted her friend sat near the fountain, playing a game of chess with an unfamiliar guest. This was normal of Issel since she was a noble woman, one who was close to the King, her position in court meant that she often found herself socializing with the King's many guests day and night. Without another thought, Laineth approached the pair just as the guest called checkmate, sending his opponent a smirk.

Issel looked up to see her friend approaching and rose out of her chair to give Laineth a small curtsy. The guest looked up at the pair and the incoming elleth. He was obviously waiting to be introduced.

"Laineth!" Issel greeted, reaching to give her dearest friend a hug, "I have been waiting for you!"

Suddenly, the ellon in the opposing chair rose out of his seat and whispered something into Issel's ear. With a glint of shock in her eye but also understanding, she gave him a nod, dismissing him to whatever duties he had. Laineth stared after him, golden hair flowing behind him as he strode off, a sense of urgency about him.

"Who was that?" She queried, but to her disappointment Issel simply gave her a sympathetic smile.

"You will find out soon enough, mellon nin," She replied, waving for her to sit on a bench opposite the fountain. Laineth obliged but not before she gave Issel a glare, she certainly hoped she'd find out soon enough, Issel had peaked her interest now.

With her friend following behind, her hands curiously placed upon her stomach, Laineth took a seat on the bench and gave Issel a questionable glance when she very delicately sat herself down, letting out a large breath as she did so.

Noticing Laineth's look, the noble lady simply gave her a gleaming smile, "I thought that I would tell you first, my friend."

Laineth had to think for a moment, what could it be. Was she leaving? She was going to leave her and sail!! Surely not, perhaps she is going to move to Imladris, apparently it is much better there. However, before she could think anymore, Issel answered all of her questions with a few simple words.

She leaned over and whispered to Laineth, "I am with child."

Then, Laineth made a noise she never thought she could. She squealed with such delight Issel was scared that her eardrums had burst from the sheer pitch. Quickly, Laineth brought her hands up to her mouth but she couldn't hide the smile at the wonderful news.

"Oh Issel!" She gazed at her friend with such wonder, "That is brilliant news! You and Norgon must be delighted!"

Issel giggled, "We are! Mother is most happy, I have not seen her smile so much before. She has always wanted to be a grandmother, to hear the sound of little feet around the house again."

Laineth sat back on the bench, her smile the widest it had been in a while, "This is so exciting! How long has it been?"

Looking down at her stomach lovingly, her friend smiled, "It has been three months already, although I have been wearing larger clothes to conceal the bump. I do not want so many people to know, my family will likely start arguing over what the child should be called, they'll be concerned about him or her being born looking like a silvan. I'd much rather keep the news in our personal circle, if you don't mind?"

Understandingly, Laineth agreed and nodded her head, "Oh of course, that's completely understandable."

The two continued to chat excitedly about the elfling, discussing names and how Laineth would be a de facto aunt to the child. This revelation was very much an honor to her; That Issel was so willing to trust Laineth with her own child, it was something that almost brought a tear to her eye.

Unfortunately, in the middle of their conversation, a squire came into the gardens, looking around frantically for someone. Laineth called out to him, "Who are you seeking, my lord?"

With a relieved smile, the squire approached and bowed his head to the two ellith. Then, he stepped forward and apologized for the interruption.

"The King has summoned you, my lady. He does not mean to rush you or interrupt your meeting for he knows that you very much look forward to meeting Lady Issel, but he says that it is quite important. Someone is here to see you, my lady," He explained, "They are awaiting you in the throne room when you are ready."

Laineth almost groaned, she had been having such a lovely conversation, "Of course, I shall head over now, thank you."

After bowing another time, the squire left and Laineth turned to her friend. Both of them wore a disappointed look, "I am sorry Issel, but I can't keep Thranduil waiting, he gets ever so impatient sometimes."

Issel chuckled, "Ah yes, Norgon gets impatient when I keep him waiting too, however, this is official business. I don't mind my friend, I owe my parents a visit as well so I best be off for tea."

The two of them stood and hugged, Laineth taking the liberty to lay a hand upon Issel's stomach. She felt it, the gift of life, the young elfling's fea. It was strong and growing, a tiny flame within its mother's body. It was a magical feeling, it was almost like it reached out to Laineth's hand, trying to grapple onto it.

"It is beautiful, don't you think? How one can feel the growth of their child within them?" Issel muttered in a low voice, replacing Laineth's hand with her own, "It will be even better when you have your own one day."

Laineth spluttered, "If you are suggesting that I shall one day bear the King's child, I doubt that will happen. I fear the King sees me as someone who can occupy him for a while until he finds someone who will be wife material, queen material. Besides, Ortheron will have me taken care of to ensure I don't birth some sort of horrid hybrid."

With a roll of the eyes, Issel tutted, "You put yourself down too much. You are much more than a toy to him and you know that. Just you wait Laineth, Ortheron cannot deny that this realm needs an heir and I doubt Thranduil will have no one else bear that heir than you so he shall just have to deal with it," She winked before pushing Laineth in the opposite direction, "Now begone with you, your King has called for you!"

Giggling like a child, Laineth shook her head and walked off back through the doors and on her way to the throne room, thoughts zooming through her head.

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