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Taking her time to roam the corridors, Laineth made sure to take in her surroundings. This visitor was giving her a weird feeling, a sense of homesickness. Despite the fact that the Greenwood had been her home for over a decade, she now felt as if she desperately needed to go home, wherever that was. It confused her, almost disorientated her. If provided with the opportunity, would she leave? Would she go travel? Could she risk such a move?

Humming through her thoughts, she almost forgot where she was going. It was only when she conveniently found herself across the bridge from where Thranduil's throne sat that she remembered what she was doing. From where she stood, she could observe the same golden haired guest that was talking with Issel earlier. It was obvious that him and the King were having a heated discussion; Thranduil had risen from his chair and stalked down to meet him face to face, he was giving him a death glare. He was angry.

Knowing that if she didn't show up soon he would get angrier, Laineth hurried over the bridge, giving the King a quick curtsy once she arrived.

"You summoned me, my Lord?" Of course she didn't need to question him, she knew full well that she had been summoned and he knew that she had a few thoughts as to why she was present. All he could do was nod in reply before his guest spun around and bowed to Laineth extravagantly.

"Your highness," He glanced up at her.

Laineth almost spluttered, she was most definitely no highness. She opened her mouth to correct him before she hissed in realization, sucking the words right to the back of her throat. Technically, she was.

"Princess Laineth of the Noldor, it has been a long time, I must say," He almost smirked, Thranduil not liking his tone at all stepping closer to Laineth in an obvious move to protect her.

"I don't believe I am deserving of that title, my lord," She responded in a low voice, refusing to make eye contact with either of the two ellyn in the room.

With a tut, the guest began pacing back and forth, "Whether you believe you are worthy or not, that is the title bestowed upon you and it has been since your birth, whenever that was."

"If you are asking when I was born, it was at least 3000 years ago," She uttered, beginning to tap her foot with anxiety. This ellon was scaring her. What did he want? He used her supposed title in such a condescending way that it really didn't make her feel comfortable, but his greeting seemed sufficient for even a queen. A confusing fellow to say the least.

She gazed up at Thranduil who was still glaring at his guest. Moving her eyes forward again, she studied the face of the visitor. He was familiar, surely they had met before, but where? She couldn't put a name to the face, being alive for 3000 years does that to you, she supposed. He was dressed head to toe in mixes of blue and gold, a small golden flower sown into his collar. The colours reminded her of Lindon, she always remembered her mother dressing in the dark royal blue when she could source clothes in such a colour. Perhaps he had traveled from Lindon, but for what purpose would he travel so far?

"I have been asked to personally deliver a letter and a few items to you, Princess," He announced, bringing around his satchel from his waist and rummaging through it. Eventually, he procured a delicately folded piece of paper, a red seal perfectly lathered on the back. The golden ellon handed it to Laineth, the brief meeting of their hands enough to get Thranduil fuming.

As she studied the seal on the letter to try and identify where it had come from and who had sent it, the stranger pulled out a red velvet box, one that looked like it could contain jewelry. It was large, it could contain anything, but it had a lock on the front that could only be opened by a key. He also managed to pull out a notebook that looked expensive, somehow. It was decorated with streaks of gold that weaved in and out of each other, it looked a lot like the ocean.

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