chapter 3: little bird

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"Is this supposed to make me believe you aren't stalking me?" I question when I open the door to see Felix on our front step – this time out of his football jersey and in a palm leaf short sleeve button down. "How'd you even get in here? The community is gated."

"And your brother left my name with the guards," he smiles in my direction, clearly amused with my reaction. "I take it Riker didn't tell you that we have a project together?"

I press my tongue to the inside of my cheek, "He did not."

"Are you going to let me in?"

"Why should I?" I cross my arms over my chest, meeting his brown eyes while trying not to melt into them.

"You're feisty," he smirks and takes a step into the house, his chest nearly touching mine. He's testing me. I can tell by the way he's holding my gaze, not once breaking it. "It's a good look on you, Stevie."

"Is that Felix, Vee?" Riker shouts and I find myself swallowing as I step back from him.

"He's in the kitchen," I huff, moving all the way to let him into the house.

"You gonna show me the way?" He asks and I nod, leading him into our big kitchen where Riker stands idle at the counter with his eyes focused on his phone screen, only looking up when I clear my throat.

"Hey Felix," he says as he straightens his stance.

"Hey man."

I roll my eyes at the interaction and reach for my camera on the counter. "Have fun. I'm going to the guest house."

"Thanks Vee," Riker smiles softly. "Mom's working late so I'll order pizza in a bit."

"Sounds good," I nod and head for the stairs to get my keys with my USB stick attached to them.

I make sure to grab my phone and laptop off my desk before heading back downstairs. When I reach the main floor, I move into the kitchen once again to grab a bottle of water from the fridge. My eyes lingering longer than I want them to on Felix at the kitchen table as I slowly make my way to the back door.

Our house is by no means small. We have everything a kid could ever dream of but even with so many of us, it still feels lonely at times. We all have our own lives. Have our own things and I dread the end of the year when Riker and Isaac go off to college. With the rate our parents are going, I fear they may never make up and their love story will end in a broken divorce leaving me in the middle.

When I open the door to the backyard, I run into a broad chest – a small squeal of surprise leaving my lips as I look up to find my eldest brother, Greyson in front of me. A duffle bag resting on his shoulder.

"Grey! What are you doing here?" I ask in a hushed tone to ensure Riker doesn't hear us.

Greyson isn't supposed to be here. He lives in Los Angeles, a little over an hour drive from our Malibu mansion. He was attending UCLA for a degree in biochemistry. Key word being was.

He dropped out at the end of last semester and has been lying to our parents ever since. It isn't that they won't understand. My parents come from families of lawyers and doctors, them being the only two to venture out from that path but for some reason, Greyson is afraid to share his dreams of writing with them.

It isn't a wishful dream either. Having read his writing, I know he's good. Better than good, actually. He is a great writer and if he would just tell them – they could help.

For right now though, this information is a secret. One only I know about.

"I can't come see my baby sister?"

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