chapter 23: no apologizing

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The next morning, it's the rising sun that wakes me from my slumber. The rays of the sun soak into my skin and warm my chilling body, sending me over the edge as the scent of salt fills my nose. Squinting, I slowly open my eyes to the bright blue sky and the realization that I'm still on the beach, in Felix's arms and it's no longer nighttime hits me. It's a whole new day and panic immediately replaces the peace in my chest.

"Shit!" I swear as I sit up, looking over at Felix who has one arm tucked under the pillow and the other that was once securely wrapped around me now rests in my lap. "Felix! Wake up!"

"What?" He groans as I abruptly shake him.

"We fell asleep! It's morning," I frown as I search the purse, tearing through it to find my phone only to see that the battery is dead. "I'm dead. I'm so, so dead!"

Felix looks at the watch on his wrist before sitting up, "Nicks, deep breath. It's five. I'll get you home and everything is going to be fine."

"In what world is this fine?" I gasp and look at him with wild eyes. "My mom is going to kill me. She's probably in full mama bear mode and my dad will find out and they will never, ever let me see you ever again so I hope you enjoyed the date because you won't be getting a second one."

My lips part to rant more when Felix leans forward and kisses me, pushing the worrisome thoughts out altogether. "Inhale, Stevie. You're okay."

The words ease me out of my panic and I do as he instructs, slowly taking a deep breath before letting it out and meeting his eyes. All the panic in my chest eases out to a minimum, almost gone completely and I realize maybe it will be fine. It's going to be fine.

"I'm right here," he squeezes my hands. "I'm choosing to be optimistic in saying your mom doesn't even know you aren't' home and that we're going to be fine. We fell asleep, not a huge deal."

"You really don't get how big a deal th-," I start to say when he kisses me again.

"There are bigger problems in the world than two teenagers falling asleep on the beach."

I nod and let out a breath. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay," he smiles gently. "I like that I can calm you down."

My lips curl up as he leans over, kissing my cheek before getting up and offering me his hands. I don't realize just how right he is until I'm on my feet, my nerves at ease whenever I'm around him. He's the calm to my storm, and I don't think that comes around that often.

"Let's pack up and get you home."

"Yeah," I nod, letting out a breath of air as I toss my bag over my shoulder. "Okay."

"Grab the other side," he directs and I do as he says, grabbing the other side of the circular blanket.

We fold up everything and pile our arms up with everything before carrying it up to Felix's car. And despite his reassurance that everything is going to be fine, there is still a small part of me that is concerned. I don't want to get on my mom's bad side. I want her to trust me with Felix and not coming home after our first date is definitely not going to show her she can.

"Felix, how can you be so sure that I'm not going to be in deep trouble when I get home?" I ask, not being able to calm my curiosity.

The corner of his lips curl up as he closes the hatch to his car, not speaking until he looks at me. "Because, assuming that you're right about your mom turning into a total mama bear and I've met her. I know for a fact that she would, don't you think she would have gotten my number from your brothers when you weren't answering?"

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