chapter 18: happy now

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The next morning, I wake up to a text message from Felix and my heart flutters in excitement, unable to contain just how different I feel about him compared to a few days ago. He's changing everything and I can't be more prepared for it than I am right now. I need the change. I want the change. And it took opening myself to him to realize it.

"Vee! Vee! Vee!" Isla shouts as her and Robyn run towards the table we usually find ourselves at during lunch hours, turning a few heads as she does. "We need details. All the details!"

"Relax," I laugh at their excitement. "There isn't much to tell."

"Is that why there's a big ass grin on your face?" Robyn hums out and my lips only hold their form in a big smile. The thought of Felix painting it there. "Miles, would you not say that is a smile of a love struck teenage girl? Or one who got told to keep walking?"

"I'd have to say she looks a little love struck," he smirks and sits next to Isla. "You should smile more often, Stevie. It's a good look on you."

I smile gently in his direction before adverting my eyes back to Robyn. "It went well. Really well. Better than well actually. It was seriously amazing."

"You're so cute when you're happy, Vee," Isla giggles, holding her hands out across the table. "So, what happened? Are we team Felix now? Are you going for him?"

"We're team Felix," I bob my head. "We have plans for Saturday...hopefully."

"Hopefully?" Miles asks. "What does that mean?"

"My mom wanted to make plans for Saturday but I had to explain why I couldn't and then she went all mama bear and said she has to meet him before I can go on a date with him," I explain.

"Hasn't she already met him?" Robyn asks, raising an eyebrow in my direction. "He had that project with Riker and weren't him and Greyson on the same team?"

"Don't ask me, okay? She said something about how she met them as a friend and not as a potential boyfriend for me? As if that somehow makes a single difference," I laugh lightly. "It doesn't really matter. My mom and dad want to be in the same room for once and I'll use that as an advantage and ignore how stupid it is."

"Did they do this with Riker?" Isla asks.

"No," I shook my head. "I'm the baby of the family. They may be treating my situation differently but they mean well and I don't feel like getting into it right now. That's beside the point."

"What is the point then?" Miles questions.

"The point is my parents want to be in one room together and even if it's not fair that they're treating me differently than my brothers. At least they're trying and if I'm the common cause for them doing so, then that's fine," I tell them.

Usually I would argue that they're being unfair, but maybe they're finding an excuse to try and since I'm the one that talked them both into it. The least I can do is give them that without arguing.

"Anyways, we're doing game night tonight and you're all invited to come," I change the subject.

"No way," Robyn shakes her head. "Game night is so lame!"

"It's sweet," Isla argues. "You can count me in."

"Me too," Miles nods, knowing when one agrees the other is usually to follow.

"Robby?" I turn my attention back to her in question.

"I love you, Vee but no," she shakes her head.

"Awe, come on," Isla nudges her arm. "Come! It'll be fun."

"No, nope, no way," she argues. "I can't do it."

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