chapter 4: hurts like hell

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"Felix decided not to stick around for pizza?" I ask as I walk into the kitchen to see Riker at the table with his laptop and a plate stacked up with three slices of pizza. The seat once occupied by Felix now vacant.

"Said he had to do a few things," he shrugs and points to the smaller box on the counter next to the fridge. "I got your favourite."

I grin, "This is why you're my favourite."

"We all know your favourite is Greyson, don't lie," he rolls his eyes and smirks as he slips his headphones over his ears, drowning out my voice.

I roll my eyes at the comment before heading upstairs to drop my stuff off. Running back down the stairs, I grab the small pizza box Riker got me with alfredo sauce and grilled chicken on it before grabbing a plate and opening the other box. I pick a few slices out of the box and slip them onto the plate, grabbing the marinara sauce from the corner of the box hoping Riker doesn't notice.

Heading upstairs, I take a detour down to the end of the hall and raise my fist to knock on the door decorated with band posters and a big green G. I don't wait for approval to come in, and instead knocked as a curtesy before stepping inside.

"I brought you some pizza," I say as I hold the plate up when I spot Greyson sitting on his bed with a game controller in his hand.

"Marinara?" He asks, pausing his game at the sound of my voice and grins when he sees it sitting on the corner of the plate. "You're the best, Vee."

"I know," I smile and hold out the plate for him to take. "I'll be in my room. And, just so you know, Dad knows you dropped out."

"What?" He asks with wide eyes, his face curling in betrayal. "Stevie!"

"Don't give me that look. I didn't tell him," I roll my eyes. "He wanted me to let you know you're not as clever as you think you are."

"Is he mad?"

"The man that didn't even go to university?" I question before smiling. "No, he's not mad. He's waiting for you to tell them, and said whatever your reason is, he knows it's a good one."

"He's trying to make me feel guilty for not telling them."

"Or, he genuinely just wants to give you the space to tell them yourself," I shrug. "Don't freak out, Grey. Mom and Dad are going to understand your decision, no matter what it is."

"I feel bad."

"You needed time. That's okay," I smile softly as I shift my weight on my feet, heading for the door to his room again. "I just wanted to let you know so you aren't surprised when he's not."


"Yup! I'll be in my room if you need me," I tell him again as I shut the door quietly behind me, making my way across the hall to my room.

As I step into my room, I open the pizza box and head for the mattress – setting it down on the comforter before grabbing my bag to pull out my books and weekend homework. There isn't much but I intend to get it done tonight to have the weekend off. A routine I got myself into when I was twelve years old, the habit sticking since.

Time goes by spent writing answers and taking bites of pizza – eventually finishing my homework and nearly a whole pizza. The day has somehow been longer than I expected it to be and when I reach for my phone, I am distracted by commotion taking place in the hall. The sound of both Isaac and Riker's voices filling the space.

"Hey Ike." I step out of my room with a smile on my face, walking towards the stairs where the two are standing. "How was your date with Mika?"

"It was good," he bobs his head. "Really good."

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