bonus six » favor to ask

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The beat of the song flows through the studio sending a shiver up and down my spine as I lean back in my wheelie chair. I tap my foot gently against the floor in rhythm with the song, humming along to the lyrics and carefully picking out the flaws and where there could be improvements. I've spent the last year of my life working under the label my dad's signed to as a songwriter and when they signed their newest artist, he handpicked me to be his writing partner and producer.

A project I wasn't sure I was ready to take on, but after some wise words and encouragements from my dad, all my nerves settled and I persevered. The last year easily becoming the best of my life, because I'm finally doing what I'm meant to and not lingering with the hope that engineering may become my cup of tea.

"Okay, that was good, Jonas," I say after cutting the track and hitting the speaker button. "Let's try it one more time but let's slow down the chorus just a touch."

Jonas nods from inside the booth, moving the headphones off his ears to rest around his neck before running his fingers through his thick brunette hair. "Alright, but then can we take a break? I'm in need of a coffee."

"You get this take right and I'll even let you call it a day," I chuckle through the speaker, letting it go before leaning back and calling for him to do it over. Jonas slides the headphones back on over his ears and nods his head for me to restart, and when I press the play I move up to the soundboard and play around with the bass.

His final take for vocals is damn near perfect, and with a little music magic the track will be in shape for his album. The perfect fit with all the other tracks we've made together, almost ready to share with the head of the label to determine if it's ready to be released. After nearly a year of writing, it feels good to finally see the product coming out of it all.

"You going to head out too, Grey?" Jonas asks when he steps out of the booth, shaking his hair off his forehead before plopping down on the couch and tossing his feet up on the coffee table.

I shake my head at his question, turning in the chair to face him. "Not quite yet. I'm going to finish this track up and I'll send you the final project when I finish."

"Alright, man," Jonas nods and hops up, grabbing the handle to his guitar case. "But you deserve a break too. You work hard, Greyson and don't think I don't notice that even when you're off you're working."

"What can I say?" I shrug. "I love it."

"I love it too, but that doesn't stop me from taking a hard earned break," he pats my shoulder and heads for the doorway. "I'll see you soon, Grey."

"Yeah, see you," I wave as I twist back around to the soundboard. I push over to the computer, and grab the headphones off the desk to put them on. With the mouse in one hand, I open up the files and begin bringing them together to pour my soul into the song. The software like a giant puzzle, ready to be put together blind.

I don't realize what time it is when two hands slip around to cover my eyes, shaking me from the trance I was in. It only takes me a second to realize it's Emmy, her hands too soft not to be and when I rest my hands on her wrists she moves her hands away from my face and moves my headphones down to my neck.

"What are you doing in here all alone, superstar?" She asks, resting back against the soundboard.

"Working," I chuckle, leaning back in my chair. "Which I believe you should be doing right now," I say after checking the time on my watch. "What are you doing here?"

"I took a short day," she shrugs, holding up a brown paper bag to me. "Jonas texted me and said you were working yourself to death and could probably use some food."

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