chapter 6: hope

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The next morning, I wake up to the sound of Greyson's snoring and as I turn onto my side, I realize everyone is gone besides him. After Greyson announced his plans to write, we all slowly found sleep and managed to find comfort in each other with the striking realization that our lives are never going to be the same. Not with the way things are looking.

Staring at the roof, a sigh falls from my lips as my argument with Dad weighs heavily on me. I have never been as mad as I was last night. Mad at him for telling me one thing and doing the other. Mad at the world for breaking up the two people that make me believe in true love. Mad at myself for not being able to control my anger and snapping at him.

It was all too much and I blew up. I feel bad for yelling at him. The look on his face when I told him to leave nearly broke my heart, but a small part of me doesn't feel an ounce of guilt and it makes me wonder if maybe I shouldn't. Maybe I have a right to be mad when he lies to me. Right to my face. He made a promise and he broke it.

Deciding to not dwell on it any longer, I toss the comforter to the side and crawl out of my parents' California king size bed. Tucking the loosen pieces of hair behind my ear, I rub under my eyes and pull on my red hoodie walking toward the stairs. My stomach growling, despite having eaten nearly a whole pizza the night before. A yawn falls from my lips as I step into the kitchen.

"Good morning to you too, sleeping beauty," Riker chuckles from the kitchen table.

I roll my eyes at him despite having my back turned to him, standing on my tip toes to grab a bowl from the cabinet while also grabbing a box of cereal from the cabinet over, tucking the box under my arm. Opening the refrigerator door, I grab the jug of milk and a spoon from the drawer. Not acknowledging that there is another presence in my kitchen until I sit down at the table in a huff.

"You always look this good in the morning, Nicks?" Felix asks and I look up from the bowl in front of me to meet his brown eyes. The small smirk on his face making my stomach fill with butterflies.

"Nicks?" I raise an eyebrow at him.

"You are named after Stevie Nicks, aren't you?" He questions and continues when I only stare at him in response. "Lead singer of Fleetwood Mac?"

"Yes, I know who Stevie Nicks is," I roll my eyes with a sigh before turning my attention to Riker. "Where are mom and Isaac?"

"Mom went into work, and Ike had practice this morning," he explains as his phone starts to buzz, turning it around on the table to look at the screen. "It's Lena. I'll be right back."

"Take your time, man," Felix waves him off as I move the empty bowl down the table, resting my head against my crossed arms. "Party hard last night?"

"No," I say, my voice muffled by the fabric of my sweater.

"You always this cheerful in the morning?" He asks and I turn my head on my arms to look at him.

"Are you always this irritating?" I shoot back as I put my elbows on the table, resting my chin in the palm of my hands. A sigh falling from my lips as I rub my face, leaning back in my chair to I stare at him. "Why were you asking about me last night?"

"I can't be curious?"

"No," I tell him flatly. "Not unless you have a reason."

"You are the reason."

Shaking my head, a sigh falls from my lips, "Smooth."

"I try," he shrugs. "I can't just make conversation?"

"I was part of your conversation?"

"Yes," he nods. "Like I said, I was curious."

"Well, next time you're curious," I eye him. "Ask me. Not my brothers."

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