chapter 28: yours

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Halfway to Felix's house, it's not until he reaches for my hand and brings my knuckles up to his lips that I realize I've been holding my breath. It's then that I come to terms with how big of a deal this is, this step. That this can, and will change everything.

For me.

For us.

But the reassurance in his eyes when I meet them lets me know that this is my decision to make. My choice and that settles the wave of nerves that keeps creeping back up on me. And I find myself holding onto every word he's ever said to me. Every emotion he's shared and that brings me back to myself.

Because we're okay.

"You okay?" Felix asks.

"Yeah, I'm good," I nod, and lean my head back against the headrest as I squeeze his hand tightly. "I like having you around, you know that, right?"

"I'd hope so," he chuckles, his eyes going back to the road but his free hand holds mine while the other keeps control of the steering wheel. "I'd be worried if you didn't."

"I just wanted to make sure you know that," I hum quietly and press my lips together as I muster up the courage to speak again. "I'm yours, Felix Montgomery."

The corners of his lips curl up but he doesn't look away from the road as he turns onto his driveway. When he parks and kills the engine, he finally turns to meet my eyes again and it takes my breath away.

"And I, yours," he smiles gently. "Every piece."

"Good," I smile softly.

Felix kisses the top of my hand once more before reaching into the backseat for my camera bag and climbing out. I rest my feet on the pavement of his driveway and pull his suit jacket tighter around my body as I shut the door, walking around the front of his vehicle to join him on the other side.

"Did you want anything to drink?" He questions once we get inside his house.


He nods as he kicks of his leather shoes. "I'll be right back."

"Okay," I exhale slowly as I set my camera bag on the bench at his front door before taking a seat to remove my shoes.

As my bare feet make contact with the hardwood floors, a chill runs up my legs. Wrapping my arms tightly around my body, I move further into his house taking in details I never noticed before and eventually find myself on the second floor in the same hallway leading to Felix's room. The memories of his party rushing through me.

The only one sticking out being the one where I knew he was going to knock me off my feet. He left a mark that night whether I want to admit it or not, but my attention is taken from my thoughts by the pictures on the wall. The corners of my lips turn up at the sight of a young Felix between two girls.

"For you," Felix holds out a bottle of water as he wraps his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Thank you," I hum softly as I accept it with one hand, my resting on his arm as I press tighter into his chest. "Are these your sisters?"

"Yeah," he nods. "Lottie's on the left and Liv's on the right."

"Lottie, Liv and Lix?" I hum in curiosity.

"Happy coincidence," he shrugs. "We were all adopted."

I turn my head at the information. "I didn't know that."

"Not something I usually share," he shrugs. "As far as I'm concerned, my moms are the only parents I've ever had and you don't need to share blood to be family."

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