chapter 13: protect our pack

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Twenty minutes later we arrived at this small ice cream shop run by an older couple called Double Scoop. We used to come here all the time when we were kids. After Riker's soccer, or Isaac's baseball. Or the million and one sports Greyson played as a kid. Which was pretty much all of them. All six of us would pile into dad's car and we'd spend at least two hours here. Our time filled with laughter and endless conversation. It's been a while since we've been here though. Longer than any of us would like to admit.

When it came to me, dad and I would always sneak away on late summer nights to get ice cream together. Since I was never much of a sports kid, having given up dance when I was eight and realized I had no rhythm or quit swimming lessons when I learned enough to not drown. My ice cream nights never came, and that was okay because I'd take the summer nights with dad over them any day.

"Who's ass do I need to kick?" Greyson asks when we walk into the shop, his arms open for me to walk into.

"No ones," I roll my eyes but take the hug, appreciating how tightly he wraps his arms around me.

"I don't believe that for a second."

"Yeah, well you're not going to kick Felix's ass," I laugh and scoot in next to Riker in the small booth, sitting across from Greyson who sits next to Isaac.

"What happened?" He asks.

"It's not important," I shake my head, exhaling softly as I rest my head against Riker's shoulder.

"Not important my ass," Riker argues, clearly the angriest about the situation. "Felix and his asshole friends were talking about getting into Stevie's pants like she's some kind of object."

"It's a misunderstanding," I tell them.

"Don't do that," Isaac frowns. "Don't try and justify what he said, Stevie. He never should have said it and it's not your fault he's a pig."

My lips curl up slightly as I nod my head.

"I'm going to kick his ass," Greyson growls and I know nothing I say will stop him from doing something. Weather that's punching him in the face or yelling at him.

"Greyson," I frown.

"No one should ever talk about you like that, Vee. No one should ever talk about anyone like that," he tells me and I know it's because they're protective. They hate seeing me hurt, just as much as I hate seeing them hurt. It runs in our veins. The need to protect our pack.

"I know," I swallow, looking at each of them before landing on Greyson. "I do, and trust me he knows that now. Just don't make his into something bigger, alright? I already get too much attention and I don't need anymore."

"Okay, fine," he sighs. "I won't make a scene, but the next time I see him I have every right to say something or punch him in the face."

I roll my eyes. "I don't think he'll be around anytime in the near future. Can we talk about something else now? Like, Ike, how are things with Mika?"

"Good," Isaac nods, his face lighting up at the subject change. "Really good. We're hanging out tonight actually."

"Nice," Riker grins. "I'm glad this is finally happening for you, man."

"Thanks, Rik," he smiles gently, before eyeing Greyson and me. "Can we get ice cream now?"

"Yes, please!" I nod eagerly, in dire need of something sweet to replace the bitter taste in my mouth from my encounter with Felix.

I wanted so badly for him to be the person I made him out to be in my head, that I got my hopes up and let down when he proved to be someone else. A small part of me knows I did this to myself. I didn't make him or his friends say the things they did, but I opened myself up to be vulnerable in front of him. I showed my cracks and left them open to be weakened.

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