chapter 15: i'm not done with you yet

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For the rest of the day, all I can focus on is that I have to face Felix when classes come to an end. It's the last thing I want to do, and I much rather drown my sorrows in a tube of ice cream at home but instead I have to put on a fake smile and act like I want to be here.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Robyn asks as she walks next to me in her workout clothes for cheer practice. "I can walk out there and tell Coach you're sick."

I smile at the effort but shake my head. "I'll be okay, Robby. Seriously. I can handle this and I don't really get a choice in weather I do this or not. Miss. Arthur needs these photos by tomorrow."

"Okay, well, I'll be on the field with the girls so if you need me to come and kick his ass," she grins. "You know where to find me."

I nod and stop in the corridor, wrapping my arms around her in a tight hug. "You're the best, Robyn."

Even when I have doubts about my abilities, or struggle to find strength in hard situations I know I will always have Robyn and Isla to make things a little better. They are always there to brighten my mood, whenever I'm in need of my guardian angels. The two best friends I could ever ask for. My strength when I can't be strong.

"I try," she laughs. "Look, Vee, I know that this year has been really tough for you. Between your parents and now all this stuff with Felix, but you deserve the best and things always find a way of working themselves out. Even if it doesn't seem like they will."

"Yeah, I know," I sigh. "It just really doesn't feel like it right now."

"Yeah, I kind of thought so but that doesn't mean it'll always feel like that," she assures. "And I know what I said about Felix, but maybe it'd be better if you just hear him out."

"Hear him out? Says the person that just asked if I wanted her to kick his ass?" I laugh, though I know she's probably right. Even if she is, that doesn't mean I'm going to. My stubbornness getting in the way.

"I'm just saying it'll take some of the stress off your shoulders," she holds her hands up in defence. "You don't have to. You can ignore him the rest of the year. I'm just saying, he seemed to really like you and maybe it was just one of those things."

"I'm sure," I nod.

"Vee, don't be mad," she frowns as she follows me out into the stands, built into the building. "I'm just saying there's two sides to every story."

"And apparently two opinions," I laugh. "Look, I get where you're coming from but I've already got too much on my plate and I'm not about to add Felix Montgomery to it."

"You were willing to until he said something stupid."

"Can I have the Robyn that wanted to kick his ass back?" I ask with a small smile. "You're right. I was going to but, it was stupid and hearing him talk about me like that was my way out. It cleared my head and I've come to realize I don't need a boyfriend right now."

"Okay, okay," she nods. "I've got to get to practice. Good luck with the photos and remember if you need me-."

"I know where to find you," I finish for her. "Thank you."

Letting out a deep breath, I stop at the end of the bleachers and look out over the football field. Maybe Robyn's right and I should hear Felix out. I didn't really give him the opportunity to explain himself but I'm not sure if I should listen to him or not. There's still a part of me disappointed that he isn't who I thought he was, but then again, maybe I had set my standards too high. It's not that he disappointed who I thought he was, but rather who I wanted him to be.

Deciding to ignore the urge to listen to him, I focus on my anger and adjust the brown leather camera holsters crisscrossed over my body. Allowing the two cameras with different size lenses to hang around my waist. The digital cameras resting against my hips as I walk. Moving the straps on my shoulders, I pull my long hair around my shoulders before adjusting the yellow ribbon holding half of it back. I pick the lens caps off the front, tucking them into the back pocket of my distressed denim jeans. My head in the clouds as I walked down the stairs and onto the green turf.

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