58 - Vows and Loyalty - Part 1

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It didn't take long for Magdalin to join up with me once the little scene with Gilbert and our beloved Heroine was over, and we headed directly for the building for the building for the fourth year advanced studies, and found Eric working his charm on his classmates.

The quiet boy from the novel, and from the past, was nowhere to be seen now. He had stopped competing for the spot of 'head knight' and started employing his talents elsewhere. He started noticing people's reactions... their behavior patterns, their lines of thought... he noticed people's talents, both those hidden and those shown... and he used that as a weapon to create a place for himself.

He was no longer 'the one that couldn't become a head knight' or 'the failed rival'. He had begun to shine, both socially and as a strategist. His back was now straight and his eyes looked forward, staring directly at the person he interacted with. Like I overwhelm people with strength, he overwhelms them with perception and awareness along with clever and honest schemes.

He still looks up to me, I can sense as much... but there is no reason to do that any longer. He has made a great person out of himself. In fact, when it comes down to diplomacy, Eric is the one that takes over now. Father has pulled back and seems to be letting Eric take his place. I've no doubt that once this year is over and Eric graduates, that Eric will take the role as head of House Celeste.

Aside from re-arranging our military, he has also ensured new trade deals with both the Salenders and House Stanbell. If my suspicions are correct, then he even redid the Stanbell military as well. I'm not sure why he wants to support House Stanbell, other than that they are the closest to our territory, and that we trade a lot of wood and horses with them... but perhaps that is enough.

If House Stanbell becomes strong enough, then it'll take over at least half of the northern border. With that comes a lot of riches as well. Being the reason that they succeed is indeed not a bad move... but I didn't expect Eric to grow far enough to mess with politics to this degree already. Messing with the border balance is a risky move I would like to play no part in, so on that matter he has me vastly outplayed.

Honestly, I am amazed.

I did prompt and push him in the direction of a proper lord... but without immense effort he wouldn't have been able to come this far. He would lose to Lionel when it comes to fighting, any day. However, Eric would at this point probably equal Lionel if it comes to strategy.

Eric turns towards us with a bright and warm look.

"Lily, good timing."

He turns towards his classmates and gives an elegant bow as he excuses himself. His night blue hair sways like a gentle wave at the motion.

With a simple move he stands by my side and offers up his arm. Eric is fully aware of my pride over these things, but since he's my older brother, I will accept anyway. I gently place my hand on his arm and look to Magdalin.

She stands quietly next to us and appears to pay us no special attention. She's acting quiet as my companion because she knows I intend to ask Eric some... questions that should not be asked in public.

"I would like a table and some chairs placed with view over the training area for the knight students. Is that possible?" I start out by confirming this with him first.

Eric gives a small nod.

"There is a slope that goes down to the training area. You should be able to watch them from on top of that," he explains calmly. "I'll help you carry things out as well." He proceeds to change our direction, likely towards storage.

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