133 - House Tepet's Choice - Part 1

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Lionel Tepet's Point Of View

The 'peace offering' went through the passage and the keep like a storm. Not physically, but the order in the lines dissolved into discussion and disbelief... but had it only been heard by the knights and the soldiers, then we would have been able to control it. Going by the words of our own air magicians, the news would have reached any nearby villages as well. Everything was dissolving into a mild panic.

There was no way we were going to outlast something like that. The peasants know this too... but not just that. When the enemy armies march through the land, all food that the peasants have will be taken forcefully. Those who resist will get killed, and they will fear for the well being of their wives and daughters. Those who don't flee immediately will likely turn against the king to prevent the horrors of rape and starvation for themselves and their families.

It was a well phrased 'negotiation'. No direct threats to the civilians, but still informing them that they will be dragged into this. Business that was usually only meant for nobles would hit them as we cannot fulfill our duty...

Even if every noble house remains loyal... if they have to fight our neighboring countries, then there will not be enough men to defend the capital.

The peasants not from the capital or House Salender's territory would be the first to act... especially those from House Celeste's fief.

I need to discuss this with Lily. We will need to make a counter statement immediately. I had been busy preparing a rescue plan for the young Princess Emilia when Headal's demand came out, so I haven't checked up on Lily since yesterday either.

Thankfully, finding Lily doesn't take long. She was doing her best treating people with a calm and collected expression as if what happened just now didn't matter to her at all.

"L-... Augustus."

I end up getting her cover name out rather awkwardly. I nearly used her name instead. Old habits must die hard.

"We need to talk about Headal's declaration."

She looks up from the guy whose injury she was cleaning up with this calm look.

"Why? Their statement changes nothing. I will not abandon the lord to which my family swore loyalty. I'm prepared for the onslaught coming at us," she said without a shadow of doubt or hesitation.

"It is not a matter for us to consider. It is a matter for his Highness to consider. If he says you will, you've no choice."

I say this, knowing that Alstair and his father care too much about their facade to the people, to just say 'No' to the demand. Certainly they'll try to come up with some way to make things work in their favor, but they'd never bring such unnecessary pain to the people, since the people is their source of power... be it the nobles of the commoners.

Lily just looks back to the soldier she's helping. The soldier just stares down at the ground as if he's pretending not to be here.

"Princess Catarina is not a woman who would keep such promises. People like her appear largely indifferent to promises and would rather have a dishonest victory. Fighting among ourselves will merely weaken us. We will face them head on."

I note that the soldier gives a quiet subconscious nod at her words. I'm still amazed with how Lily manages to make people toss themselves into situations where they should definitely die... and in such short time as well. It's as though, that when it comes to war her calm collected personality and authoritarian tone makes you believe her way is the best. Her actual competence in determining the right way only sets this in stone.

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