twenty three

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Song: New by Daya (listen+read)

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Song: New by Daya (listen+read)

"This place is beautiful, Corinna." Mariah compliments, referring to our apartment as they both walk into my room.

"It really is." I agree with her.

Corinna nods in agreement.

It's the day after Corinna and I met up. I brought my small bin of belongings so I could get myself unpacked as soon as possible.

"Do you guys want to go to target and get some things for my room?" I ask, looking around my room with a sigh.

We all walk out to the kitchen as they think.

"Yea, let's go." Corinna shrugs while Mariah grabs her car keys.

Mariah agrees as well, but I already knew she'd come. She's always willing to help me.
She's the best friend anyone could ask for.

We all get into Mariah's car. She drives to the closest target.

"If you don't mind me asking, how did you meet David?" Corinna asks from the back seat.

"Uh, well, I guess I can trust you. Not many people really know about it." I start nervously, looking at Mariah.

She nods, urging me to continue.

"David found me at a low point in my life. My father, uh, wasn't himself after my mother died." I get a little choked up, tears threatening to spill out.

"It's alright, you don't have to elaborate." Corinna sounds understanding, even though she couldn't relate to how I feel.

"Long story short, I ended up stranded in the city. I was so nervous, I was shaking. When David, Alex, and Dom walked up to me I thought they were gonna beat me up." I giggle, trying to push down the sadness.

"Turns out, David is the one who made me who I am now." I add.

"You miss him, don't you?" Mariah speaks up.

I nod. I miss him so damn much.

"Then talk to him." Corinna tries to convince me.

"I don't know guys.. We didn't end things on a good note. I guess I'm just scared." I groan.

"I've known David for a long time. He is usually a good guy. There must've been something that triggered him to retaliate." Corinna suggests, confused to why David would end things with me.

"Maybe. I think it was just me being me, though. I just HAD to run away. He was probably just frustrated with me." I sigh.

"Don't blame yourself, Aubrey. He should've let you be on your own for the night. You guys lived together and saw each other all the time. You're entitled to some personal space." Mariah argues.

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