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The minute I told Yui what I'd be doing on Mondays after school, she had a slight fangirl meltdown. "Oh my gosh, he really does like you. Like really really like you. Like oh my god, if I didn't like Sawamura-san so much, I'd be all over that. You are so lucky. You are gonna date, and get married, and have adorable, volleyball playing babies-"

"Yui-chan, calm down," I tell her, cutting off her rant. "I don't even like him like that. We are just friends, and I'm helping him out."

"How can you not like him?" Yui gasps at me as we eat lunch in our classroom. "From what you've told me, he's been nothing less than a perfect prince charming to you."

"I just..." I trail off, trying to collect my thoughts on the brunette server. I do feel like I feel something for him, but it's always clouded by my feelings for Daichi.

"If you really don't like him like that, you'd better stop leading him on," she reprimands. "He seems like he really does like you and it's not fair to him."

"Yeah, I get it," I sigh.

"Good, now back to what I was saying. You'd better make me the godmother to your first child," she continues.

I sigh again, but smile at my friend, "Yui..."


I make my way down a different street from my normal route home. Oikawa and I agreed to meet at a different park that is closer to the gym before we head over there. It's a fifteen minute walk from my school since Oikawa and Takeru live a bit farther away.

"Azumane-san!" I hear a young voice yell my name out and turn to see Takeru at the top of a slide. Oikawa is sitting on a bench off to the side, and stands up to greet me, a smile forming on his face.

"Hey," I say to him.

"Yahoo, Asu-chan!" he replies, brightly, walking up to me while slinging an extra bag, apart from his and Takeru's school bags, over his shoulder. I assume it has his  volleyball gear in it. "You ready to go?"

"Yeah," I tell him. "Do you want me to take one of those bags? It looks uncomfortable to carry all three."

"No, you're okay," he says as we start to head out of the park, Takeru walking in front of us. "But I know a strong little man who can carry his own backpack."

Takeru groans as he walks over, taking his bag from his uncle.

"So, Asu-chan, are you gonna be teaching volleyball in your school uniform?" Oikawa teases me, eyeing my clothing.

"I have a change of clothes and my knee pads just in case in my bag," I tell him.

"You know, I'm gonna hate to see that uniform go," he tells me nonchalantly, glancing at me out of the corner of his eye. A wicked grin makes it's way onto his face. "You look so cute in it."

"Shut up, perv!" I exclaim. My stomach churns again at his compliment, but Yui's words ring in my ears.

"If you really don't like him like that, you'd better stop leading him on."

I really need to figure out my feelings, or I'm going to hurt someone or myself. It's just every time I think about liking someone, my mind instinctively jumps to Daichi. He's always been there. A calm, kind guy with a sweet smile and a good head on his shoulders. He always knows the right things to say when someone needs advice. I've liked him since we were in the same class together in our first year of high school.

I sigh out loud.

"What's wrong?" Oikawa asks from next to me.

"Nothing," I tell him with a weak smile. "Just thinking about stuff."

More Than Anything Else (Tooru Oikawa)Where stories live. Discover now