Chapter 21

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The ground trembles.

"What in the name of Christ is that?" Knuckles cranes his neck to get a better view over the crowd.

More aliens. Enemies. They're close enough to squint away as their golden skin reflects the overhead lights of the marketplace. They glimmer as they join the chaotic masses storming the streets.

These creatures look human too. How many times have our forms been replicated?

They're close enough where I can see their hands, their legs, the color of each individuals' skin.

Their skin.

The gold is armor.

But it's not any armor I've seen before. Alloy plates with ornate etchings cross their chests. Gold flaps dangle around their knees like a skirt. Their boots stretch across their shins with golden straps wrapped around their calves.

They stampede toward us with long, gold-tipped spears in one hand and enormous circular shields in the other.

We retreat to the center of the marketplace, bunched together, surrounded on all sides by metal-decked men who gleam like gods and their wet cattle who growl at us like mutant dogs.

What the fuck is happening?

I peer left and right. No way out. They form a wall of weapons around us. We're trapped. Just like on ARC10.

Norbit's observations return to smack me against the head.

We've been trapped before and they never hurt us. Not on purpose.

Please, Lady. Please let this work.

"Scatter! Now!" I scream.

With me and the VIPERS in the lead, the people follow, fleeing in different directions.

I sprint toward two yaks in front and slip through the space between their massive bodies. Around me, people dash through. We shove our way through, bashing against yaks and golden soldiers with the force of our charging bodied. 

Not all people are as lucky. They're cut down by an elbow, a knock against the head, a spear across their gut. They double over.

I manage to slip through and escape, Knuckles on my heels. So many still struggle to break the circle.

Two enemies against one. This is not fair. This has never been fair.

Some people remain trapped within the golden soldiers' grasp. Some fall to the ground, reaching out toward me to return for them. All around, my people scream.

Rage fuels me. These things imprisoned us. They stole my child. Now they torture my people. They will all die.

Spears whiz past my head. I bolt in a new direction away from the chaos, splitting up with Knuckles. 

Maybe they're aiming to kill after all.

Large stone buildings line the perimeter of the empty roads leading away from the marketplace. They don't have doors or windows, so I easily take cover in one.

Empty. Perfect.

In the corner of the big entrance room, divets are carved out of the stone wall like rungs on a ladder. I climb it and take my chances sliding out the nearest window. The roof is only a few feet above me. I pull myself up and gaze at the horror below.

The white-garbed people of ARC10 are running erratically. One group meets with the gold soldiers. Another group is trapped by a dead end. Some are still fighting off yaks. We're losing.

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