Chapter 31.2

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I can feel my brain matter trickling down my neck and out my ears. Nuna's intricate play-by-play is the most elaborate instructional on ship-domination I've ever encountered—not that I've encountered them often in my life underground. But I don't think I've ever listened to anything so perfectly strategized. Watching Nuna stand and explain the stolen images of the Olympi's interior swishing and zooming around the projected image behind her reminds me of why I find her presence so delectable.

I cross my legs under the desk. The last kiss she laid on me appears unbidden from the cobwebbed corners of my mind where I'd shoved it away. I focus on her hands, how they float through the holographic corridors, pulling the green-pixel skeleton of Olympi's halls into focus and marking them with the stylus in her other hand. 

"Commander, are you okay?" Coodi leans over and whispers to my left.

Sure. Yes. I'm suffering through an inferno under my skin, but otherwise, things are peachy. The memory of the kiss surrounded by lava tunnels sears the tips of my lips like Nuna is pressing into me again.

I gaze around the room, searching for anything to focus on to take the sweltering intensity of watching Nuna. In the background, Ledi, still lumbering around in Dean's body, makes small repairs on my new sound system installation. He catches my gaze and frowns while pointing at Nuna, directing my attention back to her lips that say words I can barely hear past the clanging of warning bells in my head.

You promised you'd wait. My brain repeats the mantra while still trying to absorb Nuna's lecture. You promised you'd wait. You promised you'd wait. You promised you'd wait.

"Do you need a break, Commander Lorn?" a surly voice snarls. "From this vantage point, you seem undeniably distracted for someone so has constantly badgered us about initiating this exact plan."

We all turn to face Moon as he boards my ship.

"Why are you so fascinated with my level of attention, Captain? If you'd care to stop interrupting the briefing, maybe we can get this done sooner and I'll never have to look at your stupid face again."

"I could pin this whole God-forsaken scheme down blip by blip." He plops into the chair next to Coodi and leans back. "You, however, have been staring so intently at my first mate's breasts, I'm surprised you even know what ship we're embarking."

My jaw drops. "Maybe you should quit opening your goddamn trap and making a bunch of fucking noise. Especially if you aren't going to help."

"I'm only stating an observation."

"About something you are ignorant about."

"I'm ignorant about nothing."

I openly scoff.

Coodi squeezes my arm, drawing my attention back to the table and the objective.

Nuna pauses. Her hand hovering mid-air, demonstrating the position on a loading bay. "You two. Cut it out. I will not tolerate your childish bickering in this critical time."

Admonishment from Nuna does nothing to ease the sizzle of rage in my ears. I can still hear his mocking words through the buzz. Fucking Moon. He taunts me on purpose. I know it. He's looking across the room, watching me focus my attention on Nuna and he's . . .


For the sake of the mission, I don't respond to him. "Apologies, Nuna. I'm listening."

Information overload scrambles all disorientating thoughts of Nuna's body I had before. I don't even notice Moon sulking in his seat anymore. We're all here, laser-focused. Nuna recites the plan. After I bombard her with my ten-thousand clarifying questions, Coodi taking copious notes that I'm sure I'll need later, Nuna and Moon stand to depart.

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