Chapter 24.2

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I lie stretched on the cold tile floor of the brig, Elias' soft grunts fill the hall as he completes his push-up repetitions. I could join him, but my mind is too heavy. Faces swirl in and out, ones that keep me burdened with frustration:

Moyra's tight-lipped anger as I told her she was to take command of ARC10.

Coodi's tears framing her large brown eyes, begging me to take her with.

Knuckles' brow furrowed in confusion with John behind him, the headless stump of my massacred Xani friend peering from behind my medic.

My son, his tiny body curled inward, floating in the orange liquid with flecks of tissue surrounding him like lightning bugs on a summer Topside night. My mind follows that image, conjuring the stretch of peaceful years passing, stretching his limbs, maturing his face—I imagine my son as a little boy running through a calm night, hopping over stones of the old world, playing among the ashes of the deceased, catching fireflies in his hands. He turns to me, his black hair falling in front of his eyes that match the hazy green of my own. I imagine scooping him in my arms, his long eyelashes tickling my cheek as he presses his face against mine. The vision is so tangible, I cross my arms over my chest and squeeze. It's as if I feel his weight between them.

"You okay there, Lorn?"

"Yeah," I cough to clear the scratchy emotions wedged in my throat. "Just thinking."

The brig door opens. I pull myself up and stand before the fizzing boundary to watch Nuna saunter over. She taps something into the console by the door and immediately, the prison's buzz dissolves.

"Hello." Her hips sway as she nears. "I feel we may need to practice a while before we can live up to the excitement your participation has garnered."

"What do you mean? What excitement?"

She grins, looking at the space between our boots. "Many have come to me with their whispers. There is a legend forming at many of the galactic hubs. One of a fearless Earthen Commander who escaped the market and ensnared the nefarious Captain Moon under her love spell, compelling him to harbor her and her refugee starship."

"They're saying what?"

Elias doubles over, clutching his knees as his laughter booms from him.

Nuna chuckles as well, her deep, ethereal notes raising the hair on my arms.

"I didn't do that!" I run my hands through my short hair and clutch the back of my head. "I didn't ask for any of this. You have to tell them—"

Nuna taps her chin with one long finger. "I truly wish I could dispel the rumors. I truly do. However, galactic gossip will travel, true or not." She nibbles on the end of her nail. "The only thing that travels faster than light is a good story."

My body prickles with anger. That's the last fucking thing I need—for my ship, the rest of the ARCs, or anyone in this forsaken universe to think that I'm here because I want to be here. That this was part of my plan.

"But this is not of our concern right now, my dear Janika. For now, we can perfect our skills. This is what we will do."

"Fine. Let's go." I follow her up the stairs, nodding to Elias as I exit. "But I'm definitely going to set the record straight as soon as I can."

"What is the harm in letting this untruth run wild?"

"Because it's untrue." I catch up to walk beside her.

"Many things are untrue. You know this now more than most."

"Yeah, the URE has been lying to me all along—" I think about my own history of deceit—What good have my own white lies and withheld factoids done for me? Nothing. "—which is why honesty is now my favorite policy."

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