Chapter 31.3

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Dressed in their dark ATACs, the VIPERs stand ready for action. The URE's patch on their sleeves has been singed until the image is nothing but a blackened, misshapen smear of smoke. The VIPERs squeeze together on the airlock above my shuttle waiting to board the ship that will transport them to a golden mountain. I'll take as many as I can fit—twenty or maybe thirty since we're all a little thinner.

Some of the stronger, more able-bodied civilians of ARC10 stand behind them with makeshift weapons in their arms at tactical position. They shake, stare blankly ahead, and wait for direction. They are nowhere near battle-ready in their bodies, but their hearts are beating the right rhythm. I feel it pumping from the base of my boots. The ship pulses with them, synching us all.

Moyra steps up to my side. "My Hawks are ready."

Her small team of fighter pilots stand rigid next to my VIPERs. In their gray jumpsuits, their own URE patches charred beyond recognition, they hold their helmets under their arms, waiting for my word. Their job will be the most dangerous of them all. I remember the Olympi beams' accuracy and dwell in the sinking reminder that we're not dealing with clunky Invaders anymore.

I nod. "Remember, you're with me. Stay close."

"Yes, ma'am."

I turn to my VIPERs to give them a last message of hope.

They stare at me expectantly. I remember the first time I was supposed to deliver words of affirmation—that was an eternity ago when Hayomo stole the platform from me back when ARC10 was still enveloped by our home planet's surface. We were underground. I was pregnant and within screaming distance of Dean. The future was brighter. There were no known plans to betray the people and run like hell toward a sleazy new beginning spawned on the stabbed backs of innocent civilians.

I clench my fists, anger rising as Hayomo's grim, hard frown appears in my mind's eye. Her distrustful gaze follows me as I walk the line before my VIPERs—gathering my thoughts and collecting the words I want to share with them.

Words. They never meant much to me before, but now I know they're the food that will nourish us before battle. They're the chains that keep me to my promises. They're the steel that binds me to my people.

I need them now.

"VIPERs," I begin hesitantly. I call them again, louder. "Are you standing here of your own free will?"

They respond in unison. "Yes, ma'am."

"Good. Because I don't know about you, but I'm sick of being told what to do."

The civilians behind them groan in agreement. I rise on my toes to see the crowd. Something primal radiates from their piecemeal armor and strapped-together weapons they hold to their chests like flags. They're an ocean of bedrock behind my VIPERs who form a concrete wall before them. Despite their raggedy appearance, there's fierceness in their eyes. They need to hear this too.

"What happened to us was..." I dig deep to find the right words. " was fucked up."

The civilians nod. Their agreement grows louder. My courage rises with them.

"What did we do to deserve this bullshit end? Each one of us was a good civilian. Some better than others—"

Knuckles interrupts with a boisterous laugh from somewhere in the middle of the group.

"—But we did what they asked and what happened? They sold us. They used us."

The ship groans under my boots as if adding its roar to the wave of gathering camaraderie.

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